Assistant Waterboy

First take: Not enough to compensate for what the victims have gone through.

Me neither, sounds like a good idea. I just might try it this weekend. After I sous vide my ribeyes last time, I became a believer!

So that’s what’s going on... Wow! I’m with you on the last point, no need to support that nonsense. Plenty of good places around.

I wish I could star the shit out of this! I totally agree with you! These restaurants freely entered into working with the apps, so go don’t blaming app users if the arrangement don’t work out as well as they’d like.

I came here strictly for this!

On that note, here’s one solution to change this stupid “unwritten rule” of plunking hitters. The plunked automatically gets to SECOND BASE regardless of perceived intent from pitchers. You want to plunk somebody, go ahead, take that RISP. You want to pitch inside but oops, take that RISP.

I didn’t even bother watching... But I’ll still give you a big TWO thumbs up for the post, Albert.

LMAO! Your post sounds just like those Thug Kitchen duo, which by the way, are hilarious! Keep this up! Let me subscribe to the Jillian newsletter.

LMAO! Your post sounds just like those Thug Kitchen duo, which by the way, are hilarious! Keep this up! Let me

Haha, okay!

Not bad

Wow, Calvin Klein is considered distant ‘90's relics brand now... :( Thanks Jillian. lol

Wow, Calvin Klein is considered distant ‘90's relics brand now... :( Thanks Jillian. lol

Bron looks like he’s choking Love out!

Hehe, nice! A star for you

Yup, “dumbass” is good enough for me. Or “fuckface”, I kinda like “fuckface” too.

Damn good! hahaha

Hahaha, this is great!

Hahaha! Okay!

I agree, love the A-10!

Solid! *raises a fist
