And nine-times-out-of-ten, the driver/delivery person doesn’t REPORT the cash tip, so your phone number/address ends up on a company’s shitlist, and nobody wants to deliver to you.
And nine-times-out-of-ten, the driver/delivery person doesn’t REPORT the cash tip, so your phone number/address ends up on a company’s shitlist, and nobody wants to deliver to you.
If a place offers delivery, and you still choose Seamless, you’re not only costing the restaurant, but (most likely) yourself with all of those delivery fees.
I think Lexus is worse than BMW personally.
don’t forget Lexus
Oh jeez, I hadn’t even thought of sous vide lobster...
Unions at one point were critical to the American worker. Now we have Federal oversight of labor and safety laws. Combine that with Unions making themselves uncompetitive and it’s a hard case to make for many auto manufactures and employees. Look at how the majority of Nissan workers voted.
If I feel from even 6 inches and landed the way he did I’d be in bed for a week. Fucking young, athletic people, man.
I don’t blame you for not watching the video, but he clearly states he bought the car used for $60k.
He claims to be “thrifty”, but would prefer to sell his car for probably a loss of several thousand dollars instead of buying $800 worth of tires.
Came here to say the exact same thing! And you’re welcome to stay for hours upon hours in the library. And in a lot of libraries you can bring in your coffee. Heck, we have teens ordering pizzas during exam week and we have to page them from the front desk.
Some towns that have remodeled their libraries in recent years have coffee shops in them. Best of both worlds.
Yes, it’s not far. But here’s another thought - the guy was working a crappy job to try to save up and get a car. Now that he’s got one, he might be able to find a better paying job that’s further away. He might be able to attend some career training after/before work to get into a career.
6 miles. 3 each way. In any weather. In Texas.
Keep Austin? Weird.
Celebrities, they’re just like us.
Keep Austin Weird At All Costs
Won’t someone think of the venture capitalists?