Holy shit! Am actually laughing out loud over here! #bravo
Holy shit! Am actually laughing out loud over here! #bravo
Oh damn! I LOL’d, literally. Still laughing.
But did the beer cans find their targets?? That’s important.
Only $1,500 for 401K deduction? C’mon, you guys gotta be smarter than that.
For me, checking out the girl in the red jacket.. What were you watching?
I was in finance/accounting for over 10 years, most of which I owned a dog. Never once did the math on dog-owning. That dog was part of my family, missed him lots.
Awesome bag. Gave one to my bro for his 40th bday, first time ever I’ve ‘considered’ keeping it for myself!
Great article Kristin! I’ve already used some of these, but I see there are other great ideas. Thanks!
That’s pretty cool, man!
Wow, prices changed again, damn it Amazon, haha
Wow, prices changed again, damn it Amazon, haha
$155 here in this link on amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Audio-Technica…
$155 here in this link on amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Audio-Technica…
More like a take-down than a tackle. Can't tell if any armbar is involved...
Man, I hated reading this about him...
Holy shit, wow! Damn! +2.5
I'm pretty sure nobody has said this yet, but... Man, fuck that Harvard asshole.
Somebody do a flow chart/diagram of this mess. I can't...
Lmao! I figured you're probably joking, but then maybe not.
This is fuckin' awesome! Bravo!
Nice! (still laughing)