George Burnered Shaw

It really took them 3 years to figure out he drafted Hackenberg. Really need to improve those internal communication channels.

Oh good, the government is handling the President the way I handle my wife asking me to do chores I don’t want to do. Just say ‘ok’ and continue not doing them. Super healthy and effective.

What’s the age limit on “wunderkind”? Kushner’s pushing 40, even if he still looks like he eats sandwiches with the crust cut off.

The US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel going it alone to invade Iran is going to be one of the weirdest coalitions in world history.

Why did the MLB agree to a debt-financed purchase? It’s such an obvious recipe for disaster, and they just went through this whole thing with the Dodgers. Having broke-ass owners damages the product on the field. Is it just because it artificially inflates the sticker price of the team being sold? Because it sure

Those aren’t incidents, those are goddamn legends.

The sun will probably rise tomorrow. I like the radical skepticism approach to sports prognostication.

17 months. A year and a half! The casualness with which the system will destroy your life never fails to shock me.

Honestly, it amazes me that he could continue to exist on the internet after that went public. It’s one of the greatest corncobbings in modern history.

Not that I’m aware of but it might have been hard to tell.

It’s still cool if I piss in the bath, though, right?

Duterte: “Oh, snap.

He does his daily rambling hour or whatever of podcasting, and is the EIC of the Daily Wire. In addition to any random tv hits or YouTube appearances he’s making. I’d be shocked if he has time to prepare for any of it.

Written by Ben Shapiro’s dad.

He was starving the way my cats are starving every morning. Basically about to die.

I had a friend who did this with drinks in college. Obviously, my friend was not as picky about making sure they were untouched, because he got mono.

Not going to lie, was not expecting the real-life version of Bond villains to plan on just leaving us all to die while they fucked off to their own paradise.

He doesn’t bury them on the bench, but the “play exactly 26 minutes and shoot precisely 11 shots” comment is only funny because it’s true. His coaching system seems to be great at getting borderline rotation guys to produce like starters, and borderline starters to produce better than average. But it didn’t work with

Can’t they just wait for Harden to choke?

The most true tweet in history: