George Burnered Shaw

dove into Moore’s blogs from the National Review’s website in 2001, 2002, and 2003

Every one of these feels like a local ad for a family restaurant. “The ribs at Uncle Earl’s Feedin’ Trough will keep you comin’ back for more, just like the Lamb of God came back this Easter Sunday!”

The legislature could then just amend that provision. You would have to amend the state constitution to give statutes enacted by referendum some greater protection, because otherwise they are just regular statutes. And the legislature has the authority to modify statutes however it sees fit.

I think I saw a YouTube video making fun of the Sarkeesian documentary guys, because I remember that they both put out a series of videos blaming the other for wasting all the money.

I’m no expert in Missouri law, but if the referendum only has the force of law (rather than being a constitutional amendment, which this was not afaik), than there is nothing to stop the legislature from passing a new law amending it. It’s no different, legally, than the legislature passing bills to amend laws they

Getting shot by the ex-Marine you hired to investigate a murder you claim the government ordered is a conspiracy theorist’s wet dream. The fact that Burkman hasn’t been able to make hay out of that incident (which I had never heard of before despite being entirely too online and knowing who Burkman is) is a greater

thank you I was very proud of that one

Everyone has to decide how to take care of themselves in the gig economy.

Just to be clear, am I the correct amount of online as long as the NYT hasn’t called my mom to talk about how online I am?

What this country needs is fewer hand jobs and more hand careers.

Opposed to Bernie, or just more supportive of Warren? I‘m not sure what policy difference is between the two that would make you support one and actively oppose the other.

lol you’re stupid as hell, this is exactly backwards

Her decision to claim Native heritage while not being a member of any tribe, and her decision to publish DNA test results, are both public matters. Public matters that play into public narratives that matter to Native Americans. Writers like Nagle are essential to the wider public having any grasp of what that affect

Especially frustrating that he is criticizing one of the only voices that actually matters in the discussion of Warren’s DNA test. Nobody on the left should give half a shit about what Trump or anyone else in the Republican party has to say about it. Or what the other candidates have to say about it. But we do have to

You know a replay is bad when the announcers don’t even seem to consider the possibility that there might be one, or that the call might actually get overturned once it is announced.

I’m mostly excited to see how astonishingly stupid all of the grafts in the financial records are going to be. Here’s hoping there is at least one where Trump just wrote a bigger number over the original in his trademark Sharpie.

Not just the nomination, but completely taking over every level of the GOP. Never-Trumpers who still clam to be part of the GOP have failed so utterly at protecting any part of their party’s message or platform from Trump that nobody should listen to them about anything. And that’s without even getting into their own

Charles hosted the brief run of the world’s best named legal podcast, Mic Dicta. It ended last year due to drama, because nothing gold can stay, and now the fans annoy him by constantly telling him to bring back Mic Dicta.

Not just a waste, but further “the cruelty is the point” waste. The only possible plan I can imagine they had (and maybe I’m giving them too much credit by calling it a plan), was to surprise drop a couple thousand migrants on a city with no warning, and then try to get the press to talk up how the city is having a

This was all very informative, but wouldn’t it have been more digestible in an audio format? Perhaps in some sort of file downloadable to mobile devices, and given a punny, football-coach-based name?