George Burnered Shaw

I honestly thought Thad was pronounced Tad, so spoonerized it the way I did to maintain the hard t, but upon further examination I realize I am wrong and you are correct.

I don’t think it is historically accurate at all to say that that attitude started with third-way Democrats. In many ways, it’s easier to see pre-Southern Strategy, because the party coalitions were not as ideologically based as they are now. If your party includes Northern unionists and Southern segregationists by

“When Captain Frosting gets done with your hairy bingle-bangle, it’s gonna look like a rat in a rainstorm when I’m all done with my love paint!

I would argue not as funny, and losing the original sounds defeats the simple beauty of a spoonerism.

This is a large part of the gaping divide between the Biden generation’s politics-as-sport and the younger generation’s politics-as-morality view of the world. If it’s all just a game, well, good show Kirstjen, you fought hard, good game, see you out there next time. If we see it all in a moral context, she’s guilty

Wow, huge missed opportunity by the Trumps. Could have just appointed her to the Supreme Court instead of Kavanaugh. SCOTUS isn’t subject to the judicial conduct rules either.

You know, I am still waiting for Shapro, Tucker, the Federalist, and the rest of the usual suspects to decry Trump’s use of the dual loyalty smear in a speech to American Jews. Should arrive just in time for the heat death of the universe.

That’s fair. But I guess I see the absence of a theme more as a reason why they wouldn’t deviate from their natural inclination, rather than as saying they wouldn’t do something just because it doesn’t fit with a theme. The only times I can think of the show deviating from fairly streotypcal TV storytelling is when

I think it is more likely she dies in the books, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if she dies as some sort of noble sacrifice in the show.

I’m here for the big dumb nonsense. Give it to me. I went through the grind.

The show isn’t going to end that way. The books might. But the show isn’t. Martin’s whole thing is that it wasn’t going to be sword and sorcery stock fantasy, Jon and Dany weren’t going to ride dragons north and burn the army of the dead and save the day and be nephew fuckers happily ever after.

Love it when the free market provides me lots of options to decide how I want to be fucked.

They would have had to have lost 22 more games to have had the best chance at the first pick. And even that would have been a 14% chance. Think of how much worse they would have to have been. You’re basically saying you wish that Russell had continued to be butt after the trade, because that’s the only way they’re

What should Chris Davis do? Based on that BA graphic, change his name to William so he stops fucking up the streak.

Robby Anderson’s number looks like the Twin Towers

I was shocked to discover that other peoples’ lived experiences differ from my own.

mmmm doner kebab. what were we talking about?

Every single one sourced as “a person formerly close to Rodgers” is absolutely Jordan.

Well, here’s your problem. Why did nobody tell me the Packer’s president is just Mark Davis wearing a hat?

hell yeah give me some dongs and various other allusions to the penis