George Burnered Shaw

See, this is where I think a lot of opportunity lies. The success of a lot of low level cases that we want reformers to stop prosecuting relies on cops. If the DA isn’t running on those conviction metrics, well, the cops can go fuck themselves. I guess the union could submarine higher level felonies like murders and

I admittedly know nothing about Acevedo and meant to comment more on police chiefs generally than Acevedo specifically. Your description reads as a pretty fair and even-handed evaluation of who he is.

I would love to know the odds of a case being dropped when a police chief gives a press conference on the charges vs when the chief doesn’t. It has to be at least an order of magnitude higher.

whoa let’s not get creepy now

This movie looks like the Pagliacci tweet format came to life.

I read Leslie Nielsen’s Stupid Little Golf Book as a kid, and it is amazing how many stories about Trump golfing are legit things Nielsen made up as a bit to exaggerate how he cheats at golf.

Gonna finish my coffee then go smell the barista’s hair.

That’s why the referendum was such a stupid fucking idea in the first place. It allowed the Leave advocates to sell unicorns and rainbows while the Remain side was stuck arguing about reality. If you had a confirmatory referendum on whichever option Parliament eventually agrees to (either no-deal or May’s deal) vs

Tom Friedman really went on a Cletus safari to London. The absolute balls on the man.

gotta get your own cat now

let the nudes fuck the mace

Prince’s freedom is a constant reminder of our failure to construct a just society.

Her parents raised her and Erik Prince. Hard to imagine a more significant legacy of failure at teaching your children basic humanity.

Joe Biden has absolutely licked someone who was not expecting it in public.


Zion can hit the back iron.

why even eat the rich if you can’t post about it? waste of time

wow, i hate to think of what went wrong in your life to think Road House sucks. my condolences.

Suppose they gave a civil war and nobody came because we were all too busy looking at out phones and terrified of having to talk to our neighbors.

100% accurate