Georf's Divine PUNishment

RIP Edgar.

It’s seriously one of my favorite rpgs ever, right up with FF6, Suikoden 2, The World Ends With You, and Lost Odyssey.

Though they’re all unrelated story-lines, so it would be fine to start with 5 (I imagine) but you should still play 4 anyways, because it’s a masterpiece. P1&2 aren’t my thing (but I can understand why alot of people love them) P3 is a great, dark game, but is a bit rough around the edges, and is marred a little by

One of the best part’s of SK’s body of work is how they’re all connected by way of the Dark Tower. Everything he’s written is part of the same giant multiverse with different “verse’s” being different floors of the Tower (Ex: “The Stand”, which is a full blown apocalypse, is confined to its own floor, with no other

The original short story/novella ends much more ambiguously (though slightly hopeful). Stephen King actually prefers the movies bleak ending (and so do I, personally) and has said that he wishes he had thought of ending it that way.

Damn i love Mononoke.

NOS4A2 is probably my favorite of Joe Hill’s Work, though Locke and Key is a close competitor, and some of his short stories in 20th Century Ghosts are amazing/unlike anything else I’ve ever read.“Pop Art” in specific is a masterpeice. Its concept is weird as hell, borderline silly, yet it ends up being extremely

Well, at least there’s still a chance of SOMEONE adapting it, I found that book very charming and really wanna see it brought to life. *sigh*

Anyone know what the hell happened to their adaptation of Neil Gaimen’s “The Graveyard Book?”. I thought it was supposed to be their next movie, but I haven’t heard anything about it in a hot minute.

We’ve been waiting for season six for, what, like 5 years now?

Damn, you beat me to it. Oh well, at least they got the mustard out.

...or maybe midgets?

1) I’m always happy to be reminded that for every asshole out there, there are many, many, more wonderful human beings out there, and someday, hopefully, the assholes will just dissappear alltogether. It warms my heart knowing that there are people out there willing to put forth so much effort to make sure some

Fucking adorbs. Weird Al is such an amazing human being, and so is that little girl. I’m glad she’ll walk away from such bullshit and pointless bullying with optimism and pride for the things she loves, instead of embarassment or shame because of some shitheads who feel the need to bring someone down because they

MGS3 is a masterpeice. It is, imo, one of the most emotionally moving storylines in modern gaming. It’s one of the first times a game ever brought me to tears (though definately not the last lol).

The book is one of my favorite modern King books, the show makes me weep for the human race.

I thought I was the only one! That movie is so smart and funny, and the soundtrack is amazing.

I was waiting with bated breath for someone to mention this. I bought this game from a CVS for 20 bucks as a youngling.

That drive to the hospital is pure comedy gold.