Georf's Divine PUNishment

You get a star just for telling someone to stop being “salty”. Excellent word choice.

I can’t seem to decide what particular flavor of killjoy/shitbird/asshat you are. Like, what’s the cause of your, seemingly unwarranted, shitting all over professional cosplayers? (or apparently any higher quality cosplayer in general)?



Would you apply that same logic to books as well?

As long as your name is Kirito, everythings gonna work out O-K.

They compliment each other really well. After my ps4 purchase 2 months ago, my sony collection is complete, and I always find myself impressed with the awesome little ecosystem they form. I love being able to, with relative ease, quickly load a current save onto my vita so I can play ps1 rpgs on the go, or using the

I can't believe how long it took for someone to bring that role up. I thought she did such an amazing job in that movie, it actually kind of made up for "The Heat" which was so unreasonably terrible/lazy/soul-crushing that it caused me physical pain.

You Sir, madam, or whatever inbetween, are my fucking hero.

(I assume "Sir" was the correct choice, since you ARE a wolf MAN.)

I love Miku, Rin and Luka. Meiko...I don't know, like, I always call her "soccer mom" because she just seems she so much more, um, mature(?) then the others. She's the old kid. If Miku were Lady Gaga, Meiko would be Madonna.

And I absolutely HATE the male vocaloids. They sound like kazoos and sadness and I always

I love the EO series something fierce. and I played each one from 3 onward, and put over 100 hours into each.....yet somehow I've never actually finished one of them lol. Well, I got the shitty ending for EOIII, and never managed to beat the extra floor/boss.

I haven't touched anything else since I picked this up, destiny can't stand up to Miku.

I think the question on all of our minds is: What about the review for Project Diva F 2?! Nah, just kidding, the vocaloids already own my soul. Day 1 purchase.

The funny thing is, both your examples are, thematically speaking, kind of cliche. Bebop has a lot in common with westerns (but in space!) and FLCL is just a coming of age story wrapped up in all the things the creator loves.

I think alot of the whole "man, every anime looks the same" thing comes from the fact that anime has become so readily available/prevalent. I agree there's some homogenization, for sure, but I think it just seems worse than it is because of the sheer volume. So I think the good to bad ratio is about the same. I know

I'm the exact opposite side of the spectrum. Like, I appreciate the earlier art styles, and have no problem re-watching some of my personal favorites, but I definitely prefer the more delicate features now days. Old anime, visually, is much more, i dunno, brash? It's like a visual punch.

I've always had a problem with describing something as having an "anime" look to it, since the art style's in anime are amazingly diverse. But I completely understand what you mean. I've always had a love/hate relationship with anime, but I've never had much of a problem with the visual part of "anime" style, when I

I spent the whole movie with a shit-eating grin on my face. Never before had I felt so much like a movie was made specifically for ME. But, yes, "objectively" it's kind of a hot mess. A hot mess with AWESOME MECHA ON KAIJU ACTION! And damn, that is one amazing LOOKING movie.

Bioware is one of the best companies when it comes to storytelling here in the west, hands down and honestly, there's not a single game of theirs that I can think of that isn't at least "good" (Hell, I'm that one crazy person that actually likes dragon age 2 better than the original).

I knew it lol.

I'm still trying to finish up the first xilla, on the "tales" front, and as for rpgs in general im mostly just revisiting modern classics (Xenogears, Parasite Eve, persona 4 golden) and enjoying the revival of the genre that's been happening on handhelds (Bravely Default, Etrian Odyssey).

Like, the