Georf's Divine PUNishment

Here is your big major SPOILER!

The Gunslinger fled across our consciousness, and the Terminator followed.

You, I like you, I like this post...

And then he tortured his friends in the woods in the middle of winter.

Bunnies aren’t as cute as everyone supposes. Whats with them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses? And whats with all the carrots, what do they need such good eyesight for anyways?! Bunnies! Bunnies! It must be bunnies!!!

Kate Bishop will be the new main Hawkeye, and seemingly have an antagonistic relationship with Clint Barton.

Now playing

You missed the best song! Also “Stronger Than You” but that song has a huge spoiler.

They’re not breasts in the traditional sense... her intense training has turned them into solid, muscly masses. Of course they’re not going to move. ;)

I honestly do not know how this is a Disney show or marketed to kids.

Bravo sir!

From here, it seems.

I think of all the shows that premiered this year, iZombie is the one that proved the zombie genre is far from over (because it is the best show ever, is what I mean here).

Is she human...or is she Dancer?

“When a popular online game is shutdown, one boy refuses to log off—and then finds himself transformed into a powerful skeleton wizard as the game world becomes real.”

I get where you’re coming from, but that top 10 could be literally in any order and I’d have to shrug and say, “Yeah, I get that.”

This is amazing: For the past six years, Colorado has provided teen and low-income women access to free birth control. The result? According to the state’s department of public health, the birthrate among teens statewide plunged 40% between 2009 and 2013. Abortions fell 42% in the same period. [CDPHE via NYT]
