
First of all, the democrats started including LGBTQ in incremental ways since McGovern. LGBTQ has worked within the party to expand rights in incremental ways, and now 50% of LGBTQ are registered as democrats.

Let’s be honest, the Jezebel intelligentsia is hoping that delaying the primaries is going to give Bernie time to come back someway/somehow, or that Biden will stumble or die or whatever. If the votes were reversed they would be SCREAMING right now for Biden to concede.

The proper title of this article is “Candidate who has no chance to win should concede so that we don’t have to hold the primaries”.

I laughed so hard at Gary the Unspeakable Train Abomination. Legends is a great show all round, but they’ve been knocking it out of the park with the humor lately.

thank you for this. 

I do. Let’s be real, Biden wasn’t propped up by money in super Tuesday or last week. His gains were the base turning out. Sanders had more money.

Why postpone? Just cancel it and hand it to Joe. Only Bernie and his delusional Bros think they are going win.

He’s willing to have people die at the expense of his narcissism. 

No he’s speaking of the democratic establishment. The voters who didn’t support him. The capital D democrats who have been allies all along, Planned Parenthood who has long been an ally. This is the democratic establishment he bashes, and has repeatedly.

You need to get your rabid pro-Sanders bias under control. He needs to drop out, he ain’t gonna win, the voters have spoken and REJECTED him.

Thank you for writing this. Suddenly Bernie is all about protecting reproductive rights? 2016 wasn’t long enough ago for me to forget he dismissed Planned Parenthood as establishment. SCOTUS has 2 judges that it didn’t have in 2016 which is much more hostile to reproductive rights and civil rights in general.

Just have Bernie drop out. Bernie and the Bernie bros were hoping for a Biden faceplant last night. If anything Biden came out looking like he could actually lead in a crisis like we are having right now, Bernie was just yelling trying to bait Biden into anything. Am I happy that Biden is the nominee? No, I was hoping

Sanders can end this ego trip right now.

If I can have the hubris to pretend I’m actually going to be heard. I think you should examine why women are, in greater numbers, voting against you than for you. It’s not Biden’s history with Hyde either.

They probably should delay the primaries. It’s also true that changing the primaries on short notice would put tremendous strain on state parties, doubly so because there’s no real certainty as to when they could be rescheduled.

Sanders can end this charade right now

Jezebel certainly doesn't want anyone to forget that they are Bernie Bros till the end.

Regarding the title, couldn’t basically every CW show be described as “X with a teen drama vibe”?

It’s just like Discovery, in that every piece is in place but the writing. Great actors, great production, great effects, pisspoor writing. 

My god... Congratulations. No joke: You just wrote a treatise on what’s wrong with pretty much all the worst genre material of the last 15 years.