
I watched Biden’s speech last night in the mostly empty room, and I didn’t see a man suffering from early signs of dementia at all, contrary to what Trump and/or the BernieBros would like you to believe.

Plus it makes no sense. Bernie will drop dead of a heart attack and we’ll need a new VP.

Common dreams seems to be the latest far-left rag. Lots of dumbfucks here linking to it.

What exactly has this got to do with the unions or unionisation or somehow a gotcha that Biden hates unions (a pro-Bernie routine I’ve seen a couple times in the last few days now)? Some dickhead decided to go full NRA and refreshingly (even if politically motivated) a politician actually told the bloody truth on the

The real issue with Sanders you refuse to address. He had a dumb campaign strategy. Win 30% of the vote and force the convention to pick him in a brokered convention. Now there will be no brokered convention. All of you will blame the DNC, Hillary, the virus and killer clowns for Bernie’s inevitable loss. Hopefully he

Funny how Bernie folks are only talking about Jackson, when Biden has endorsements from:

Computers. They did it with computers.

I know it’s all very frustrating for you and probably kind of difficult to comprehend. I’ve been trying to explain it to you all for months, but it’s really very simple: While Sanders polls pretty well in terms of net favorability, the truth is that way too many Democratic primary voters consciously or unconsciously

Black people aren’t with Bernie because we have heard the call for economic liberation before and we know it has never included us. Warren was more convincingly inclusive in her ideals for working class and middle class people.

The Most Toys” is not one of my favorite TNG episodes but I have a soft spot for it - it’s the only one where Data literally gets mad and tries to murder someone, then lies about it. I had no idea Rubinek (who is great in it) was not the original choice for the role, and was shocked to see on Memory Alpha that David

Thank you for writing these interviews out again, rather than just using video.

They also broke all Federation rules and morals to find the cure. They didn’t just give up and live on a vineyard or become drug addicts for 20 years.

society lost the ability to imagine a better future.

In the 60s, it was all peace and love and flower power and change the world. TOS reflected this
In the 80s/90s, it was all New Age and the coming of the age of Aquarius and we’re all going to talk out our problems with the Counsellor on the bridge then go into the

Don’t forget deciding to go whole hog into practicing what amounts to slavery. We saw over the entire run of TNG and even into Voyager the concept of artificial life still being considered life. That holograms, androids, and even exocomps do count for something in the Federation. The Federation gave up on being the

The Federation in Picard isn’t morally grey - they gave up their core values by letting Billions of Romulans die.

Star Trek used to be an escape to a near ideal future that had galactic mysteries and deep characters to explore.

I absolutely agree. It is also, petty, we learn nothing. Joan, your cynicism is dull and unoriginal. You know, like you.

These reviews would be embarrassing enough if they were uploaded to a teen’s youtube channel, but it’s honestly disappointing to see them posted on Jezebel. There’s nothing admirable about hiding behind a lazy, narrow minded approach to film as art; this shouldn’t need to be said on a progressive site. Let’s leave

These movies reviews smell like the pretentious music snob that worked at the independent record store and would shit on every band that a customer would ask about before throwing out the most obscure band names they could think of and then scoff at the customers inferior taste when they invariably replied:
“Oh I’ve

The last paragraph seems to assume that Sanders is the nominee, which is a fun and weird assumption.