
This is dumb. Reboots are dumb, but this show in particular isn’t fit for a reboot. Will Smith was what made the original show, his intro rap, the way he played his character... There’s no way anyone could match that tone in the same relatable, yet enjoyable way.

The entire premise of this story just seems to be a dipshit way to attack wypepo with a racist tone.

I realize this is Goyer’s interview, but the tone of the film was fairly well established when Snyder said he killed off Jimmy Olsen (the photographer with Lois in the opening Middle East scene) because it was “cool.”

The death-by-tornado scene isn’t even the dumbest moment with Pa Kent in that movie. The nadir of that character is the scene where Clark wonders if he should have let the bus full of kids drown to keep his secret... and Pa says “Maybe.”

In fairness, I think he’s trying to atone retroactively for that.

Literally made an account just to rebut the irresponsible narrative that Kentucky’s election was rife with voter suppression. Actual, on-the-ground Kentuckians have been lauding the bipartisan efforts of state government to open up voting to as many people as possible this election, especially in the face of COVID. If

So there’s some sort of secondary info harvesting “Sign up”/Log in” Disney thing which this leads to...? Is gizmodo getting paid for some sort of Disney rickrolling now? nah... they’d never turn so venal as that; gawker, (which still exists in rotting corpse form), would never allow that.

Narrator: They didn’t...

...except that she loves Bernie with all her heart and for Jezebel, that’s enough.

It seems that without constant reminders of the facts that Cardi B is a violent attacker of women, and a vicious transphobe, Jezebel just moves through it’s natural loop.  That is, spewing out fawning content to a person that is at complete odds with the progressive values Jezebel claims to represent.

Agreed eleventy million percent. I think I described Warren on another post as Bernie Sanders + actual plans - heart attack. Yeah, I’m sure the Republicans would have continued to beat her over the head with the “Pocahontas” bullshit and Trump’s idiot followers would have just decided she was Hillary 2.0, but I feel

But what would snarky child bloggers write about then?

I like all the links they put at the end of Barf Bags to the effect of, “Let’s have Elizabeth Warren handle this crisis!” or similar sentiments...after pretty much ignoring her in favor of Bernie for the entire primary.

Stacey Abrams is just the Beto O’Rourke from Georgia.  She hasn’t done shit, except get people really excited, then lose her election.  Call me when she’s actually done something of substance.

Oh didn’t you know that the twenty something pseudo Marxists are here to educate us on how Biden is three same as Trump?

You can keep spreading your lies, but we know the truth.

Donald Trump makes Joe Biden exciting.

Get ready for the think pieces if Trump gets reelected at how this is actually the fault of Biden, moderates, and white women.

You know what’s less exciting than Biden? Four more years of Trump. Scratch that, another Trump term is downright terrifying.

You guys are really committed to the too cool for school shtick uh? Obama delivered a full throated, empathic, unrestrained endorsement of Biden today. He heaped accolades on Bernie Sanders too. Affected lazy detachment, given what is as stake, is beyond reason.