
Someone should invent reflective surfaces mounted on the sides of cars that allow drivers to check for bicycles or other cars.

I read once that we experience time differently at different ages because of how much time we’ve experienced.

I told my mom “I’m bored” a handful of times growing up.

Putting your cash tip on the table and visibly docking it every time the server displeases you

Sadly, this Onion article described by 529 investing perfectly.

Technically we’re doing both, since we’re also funding a 529 for each of them. They just barely know about it (they know that each one of them has “some” money in a different state due to where the 529s were set up but that’s about it) and we haven’t made a big deal of it. They’ll figure it out eventually, and then

I have to turn on subtitles because all my illegal downloaded movies are voiced over in Chinese.

The word cuck is extremely useful for spotting classless goons on the internet and you used it twice! Never change, you mentally deficient diamond.

Cool. My question is simple: Why is it that you are right about this shit, and 90% of the globe is wrong? Isn’t that some sort of serious delusion?

wow dude show me on the doll where obamacare touched your no-no area

What is this obsession with the right and cucks? who hurt you?

For Gmail and Outlook, yes.

No, those are people of peace. Religion is poison, no matter the flavor.

Haven’t you heard? Eating fat makes you fat, and eating chicken wings makes you grow wings.

“One passenger, who was distressed by what he saw, told the Star Tribune that Hines was naked from the waist down when she was removed from the plane and that emergency workers should have covered her up”

Hey. It’s comedy. Lighten up.

Here’s the version of the article for you: Apple released a speaker thing. It costs $349. Buy it or whatever, I don’t care.

Get a load of this guy, mad that a review has negative things to say about the product

I have a bidet and love it.