
Here we go. Police officers deserving of respect. Community policing is a good thing, not every interaction needs to escalate.

I am not in any way trying to minimize racism in education - I was just pointing out that it’s not the only bias that needs to be addressed. It shouldn’t matter if it’s a poor white kid or a middle-class black kid or a rich latino kid or any of the other combinations you can think of - we need teachers to see them all

I’m not disagreeing with any of this but I imagine that increased numbers of black teachers might have a positive impact on white teachers in the same schools, too. Like white teachers might think a little more carefully about the way they treat black students if they have to justify those decisions to black

I think cities in France and Italy and maybe Spain are fancier, but Germans are pragmatic.

That’s just a look that I despise. I don’t know why, but I really hate it. Which makes it hard to0 find shoes that I’m comfortable wearing when traveling. I want something that has a bit of style, doesn’t scream sloppy American, and is comfortable for 10+ miles of walking in a day. Or maybe I could stop being so vain,

I had the same thoughts. Then I realized I was a large, bearded, white man traveling in Asia and blending in wasn’t an option.

I said it’s fie to look like a tourist if tat’s ok with you. When I go to Asia as a 6'2" bald white guy I’me not blending in as a local, but in Europe or South America I don’t want my appearance to scream “I’m a tourist, charged me double!” That’s just me - it clearly doesn’t bother a lot of people.

There’s a difference between kids and early twenties people wearing trainers/sneakers around the world and 40 and 50 something people in cargo shorts and white New Balance - the latter screams American (or British) tourist. That may be fine for you, but may not be wise everywhere.

“It’s like at the end of a decades long Rocky training montage, he just starts punching himself in the face.”

Standing ovation!

It’s so curious that these conspiracy hunters find themselves - the one time there does seem to be a genuine conspiracy going on - on the wrong side of it and refuse to believe it.

“Shortly after “alt-right” poster-boy Steve Bannon reportedly called Jared Kushner a “cuck,” signaling an escalating battle in the White House between the “Bannonites” and the “globalists,” Donald Trump bucked his isolationist promises and launched a military strike against the Syrian government”

This has a lot to do with Lifehacker. Why, you ask? Glad you asked. This is modular furniture in the vein of Ikea, a topic which has been covered hundreds of times on this very site. Quit being so cynical.

This has a lot to do with Lifehacker. Why, you ask? Glad you asked. This is modular furniture in the vein of Ikea, a

I hate the way people throw around the word “literally” and acknowledge that Shane threw that same word right back at you.

I hate the way people throw around the word “literally” and acknowledge that Shane threw that same word right back

I assume this couch killed your puppy? This site showcases plenty of merchandise. Do you Hulk-smash every writer who takes the time to inform people of new things they might enjoy?

I assume this couch killed your puppy? This site showcases plenty of merchandise. Do you Hulk-smash every writer

That’s not the definition of an ad, there’s literally a picture of it in my home, and we don’t get a kickback. New companies typically don’t have an affiliate program, this one is no exception.

That’s not the definition of an ad, there’s literally a picture of it in my home, and we don’t get a kickback. New

Is it really priceless when it’s insured for a specific value?

I gotta say...this is right on. I live by myself in a place where I know relatively few people. It’s depressing as hell sometimes when you’re by yourself constantly. I’m a social person...I need to get out and be around people. I can see it’s negative effects...I’ve gained weight and feel isolated at times. Things

My club, Misanthropes United, would beg to differ with the conclusions in this article. You can hear all about our perspectives at our next meeting, which will be taking place never.