
Ssshhh... my chains may hear you. Don’t let them know I’m looking at other drive trains...

Also if you don’t pay tax or shipping (though at $200+ a shipping charge is unlikely). It does annoy me that he used his title to rave about a sub $250 chair that is under $250 by one of the smallest margins possible.

Also if you don’t pay tax or shipping (though at $200+ a shipping charge is unlikely). It does annoy me that he used

Big duh there buddy.

Look at the package when it’s initially opened and we see it came attached to the handlebar. If you get the lever on the correct side, as it is in the IKEA pictures, it will also get the handlebars correct. IKEA surely designed it like that. Yeah, put it wherever you want, but in this situation

You know instead of rolling your eyes, maybe you should check your work again. I get it, people are dicks in the comments section, but sometimes we genuinely care and don’t want you to hurt yourself.

It’s too late, your friend’s social security number grew a porn mustache and wears leather.

I want to see a venn diagram of overlapping and account holders.

Is OK?

Historically, this is just daft and it’s a goofy/ignorant no true scotsman.

Freedom of Speech doesn’t protect you from another US Citizen saying “I don’t like the thing you are saying.” It protects you from the government locking you in jail cause you said that thing. The guy who tackled the flag waving racist went to jail and paid a fine. There was no government action against the flag

Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?

Fair enough.

This. I tell people, “If you get moved to the front of the line, THAT’S BAD”.

If you are waiting, it’s a good thing. It means you aren’t about to die. The person who gets taken right in with no waiting and no paperwork is about to die without immediate help. Go back to dicking around on your phone and be thankful that you are waiting.

It’s right there in the article, quoted from the man, himself: “If I had these speeches, and I am not saying that I do, I would never read them.”

Well, since we know he can’t read....

You didn’t answer the obvious question:

Great. Apply it to your argument above and see if you can spot where you went awry.

Actually, no. Temperature changes are the biggest enemy. Not heat. Steady state at any temperature within the endurance limit does the least amount of damage accumulation.