
It’s for the kinds of delusional people who think that they’re just one break away (a promotion, a raise, a tax refund, whatever) from finally getting back to only slightly underwater. Same principle behind a gambler borrowing money for another deal of the cards.

I think at least one picture with you and only you (or you and an animal/celebrity/whatever) pictured is a good rule of thumb. If I can’t definitively point out whose profile it is, that’s a problem. 

Won’t let me edit the post anymore or I would. I did reply to my own post however

Ah yes, employers are famous for raising worker pay when profits rise. That’s absolutely a real thing that happens.

Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.

I want to punch Eric Trump in the face.

And yet, many places now have signs up saying they take bitcoin. A currency is entirely dependent on whether people take it as such. If you invent a currency tomorrow and convince at least one other person to take it in return for goods or services, it’s money. If you can convince someone to change your currency for a

If you put $5,000 into a humor detector on January 1, 2017, then you’d be able to comprehend the meaning behind my comment today. Have fun with that knowledge.

“There’s nothing to stop whoever maintains your Bitcoin ‘wallet’ from stealing all your Bitcoins...”

You don’t seem to understand that exchanges are a thing. If I had 10,000 BTC in a wallet, I could sell them right now on Kraken or Coinbase or Exmo for ~$99.87m in USD, extract my cash and dump it into a checking account and literally have $99.87m. It’s not like your money is trapped in BTC or even in crypto. You can

Thank god I haven’t put any of my money into this bitcoin crap. I’ll stick with safe and reliable investments like coal futures, thank you very much.

Well, there’s a reason so many people make fun of hipsters.

I’ve seen all of these posted online before but the “Don’t Re-Nig” is a first time. I’m kind of floored by the caucasity of such a thing.

Died at “actural size”

Love the misspelling of actual.

The slogan “Don’t Mess With Texas” should be changed to “Don’t Mess With Texas Women.” Seriously, don’t.

“I’m half convinced that if pigs ever bothered to fly...”

Self policing flat out doesn’t work, though. We’ve tried that experiment for centuries. If the only alternate to self policing is draconian response, bring out the dracos.

So dog shit and/or cat litter that will eventually break down, you want to put in a plastic bag, that won’t break down? Re-using a plastic bag and filling it with garbage that ends up in a landfill is still a problem. Just cause you throw it away, doesn’t actually make it disappear.