
For all the people complaining about having to use FB to login, I’m pretty sure it’s specifically so your FB friends DON’T see your Feeld account unless you’re cool with all your “friends” knowing your kink. If you’re cool with it, then you can flip a switch and everyone you’re connected to on FB will see you.

Only if you’re dumb enough to buy it at all time highs...

The Apple podcast app is driving a manual car with manual windows and door locks and no power steering. The future is bright, check out Overcast.

When looking back at this moment, humans will realize cellphones were the downfall of white people. It was the final straw in their inability to survive in the wild.

Nick, you’re old. Welcome.

The recipe wasn’t thrown away. It’s on the internet.

Tell that to Venezuelans.

I can create my own dollars when ever I want. Monopoly does it, Life does it, plenty of board games do it. World of Warcraft does it, etc etc. Doesn’t mean it holds value outside of the game.

Apparently you’ve never used a credit card before...

How many of those women are single?

Yeah...maybe review how stuff looks online after you post it, haha.

As a fellow scarred victim, I can relate, and agree that nothing will repair those scars. I heard Vitamin E oil works, but it does not. I jut let it go and after about a decade now they’ve become fainter. Glad you found someone who was able to knock some common sense into you. In the moment, I was just as freaked out

If you need your phone to remind you to wash your face everyday, not moisturizing isn’t your problem...

Fuck em, you paid for a seat that reclines. If they don’t like it, they should fly an airline with seats that don’t recline.

Rule number one, don’t have your first image be with other people, especially if those other people are hotter than you.

Sweet, nice find. I’m neck deep in crypto and hadn’t come across this.

I think it’s also good to be reminded that Jews, black people, Bulgars, Chinese and Irish aren’t different “races”. This is a prejudice constantly being reinforced and seems to have been started by white people in America during slavery and Jim Crow against black people and against Jews in Europe by Hitler. Hitler and

Currently, SNAP allows people to buy ice cream as well as Jack in the Box, but not a whole cooked chicken from a grocery store. SNAP isn’t currently working to help people in need to eat healthy food. This change won’t help that.

Your idiotic view is why we lag so far behind modern countries who understand how to make their countries stronger: by making sure ever citizen reaches a basic level of education.