
Best way to remedy this is to put:

“You’re only like..the 40th person to point this out.”

I can’t believe how many dumb people are on here. But if everyone had foresight, no one would be a millionaire.

Dude, educate yourself. The USD hasn’t been backed by gold since 1971. Your USD is literally worthless, just like Bitcoin or that 30 year old Superman #1 comic book. None of these things carry value unless someone is willing to accept it. Currently, the US government gives USD a value but that can change at ay time

Yes, use the Chinese owned browser because the Chinese government is honest and has never tried to steal US intelligence or our private information.

There will always be someone with enough self-loathing and daddy issues to do anything, even that.

Just give your money directly to the banks instead, it will save you a lot of hassle.

This is the absolute WORST advice you could be giving right now. half my friends sold their IRA’s back in the late 90's during that crash. If thy had simply rode it out, their portfolios would have tripled to date.

Dude, the $20,000 is GROSS, not NET. Do some research. You’ll never see that $20K.

I love how childish conservatives think that investing in America by paying taxes to build roads and schools and hospitals and airports and theatres and museums and parks and water treatment facilities and a whole host of other services to make society run smoothly is “punishment”. The audacity of those liberals.

Seriously, dude? You want to be thanked for showing up and voting in your own self interest?

Stop using sunscreen with chemicals. Stick to Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. If you’re allergic to titanium dioxide, stick to zinc.

Thanks for headsup!

Coinbase is FDIC insured.

Exactly. How many more people like Steve Jobs have to die before people wake the F up and realize juice isn’t a cure to cancer, HIV, polio, small pox, etc etc etc.???

Or maybe donate to groups actually trying to reform bail.

People have already said Nexus 5

It’s 2017, chill the fuck out.

The idea of storing a digital wallet or credit card on my phone is bonkers to me. Having the Paypal or Cash app works just as well, 99% of the time and I don’t have to worry about losing my phone.