
This is a pretty common teaching technique. It works since it frees the mind of having to “be good”.

Holloway needs to stop being polite and trying to “have a dialogue”. Shut that fucking racist place down. That’s the best way to learn a hard lesson. And I’m white, just to be clear.

On a birthday date with the girl I was seeing when a crank showed us pictures in the waiting area of the restaurant of chemtrails. After we were seated I laughed that there are lunatics everywhere. She turned to me and said, “How do you know he’s wrong?”

Blame Trump.

So you’re saying black people, anywhere in the world, don’t do shit like this?

Didn’t they or a similar group callout a bunch of chocolate makers for too much lead recently? That one seemed like bullshit as well.

Can we come up with a new phrase other than “extra-white”? I’m white as fuck and would never let some random driver walk into my home. I have a bump-proof deadbolt on my door for a reason.

Nah, to me th best trolling is the the slow pummeling of what little self confidence they have left in this life. It awlays stems from a small penis, lack of ability to talk to women, or complete and utter failure in life and stuck living at home that drives the vast majority of trolls. A few back and forths quickly

This is just bad acting on Val’s part. Any physical contact must always be discussed prior to any acting, and any fight scenes must be choreographed.

There is ZERO wisdom in spot exercises.

When you look in the mirror and ask yourself why women won’t go out with you or sleep with you, just look back at this post.

My black friend slept with a gun under his pillow when he lived in Salt Lake City. Pretty openly racist people there.

Maybe hold off on your ignorance about Tourettes. It’s a disease, as is Corporlallia, which I think you’re referring to. That disease is neurological and people with it blurt our socially taboo words. If the n word wasn’t taboo, they wouldn’t blurt it out. It’s physically impossible for them to stop themselves from

Mind if I ask the common facepalm moments white women and men make in these situations? I do my best not to co-opt other people’s struggles. It sounds like what she did is similar to idiots who use Hitler in every comparison they make.

So...instead of fixing a broken system you want every single person in America who buys books to change their book buying habits? Genius!

This is decent advice for a single-profession person. Since those types of creatives are becoming less and less and non-artists are demanding more jack-of-all-trades because let’s face it, they’re idiots, having a portfolio that shows a broad range of skills becomes a jumbled mess that lacks cohesiveness. And there’s

Well then stop fucking complaining. If you want us to listen to your concerns then you have to listen to ours. That’s how being an adult works.

Seems like this should be the logic for semi-auto as well. I’ve never heard of peopel hunting with AR-15's. And since they were recently invented, the whine of “but it’s my culture” is bullshit.

Only racist middle aged white dudes are allowed to drive loud, fast ANGRY cars on the street.

Seriously though, I think you have something with this musical car thing. Driving down the street, hit the horn and something from Hamilton starts racist.