
Hold up! Don’t start dragging my belted jeans into the mix :(

I thought he sued them and instead of taking money he created that instead because he didn’t want to take more money out of the system for himself.

I think people are concerned because The Jones Act is entirely waived for the USVI and was temporarily suspended for Texas and Florida. The fact that it wasn’t waived for Puerto Rico is something substantial people can point to as to why things are still so bad. Why give people more fodder and another reason to call

Not helpful because West Hollywood, Santa Monica and Culver City are technically not part of LA City, so weren’t included in the study. That’s why there are huge holes in that map :(

6!!!! I brought my friend’s puppy (less than a year old) to a class I was teaching. I warned the class the day before. The two biggest dudes in the class, both football players for our tier one college (always in the top 20), were freaked out. The whites around their eyes unsettled me to no end because I realized I

Looks like those are factory seconds, just to be clear. Meaning there are defects that warranted not being sent out with the other shoes to big box stores. Usually it’s a negligible issue that would never effect the shoe, but occasionally they can be deal breakers for being able to wear them.

Looks like those are factory seconds, just to be clear. Meaning there are defects that warranted not being sent out

I mean, every fucking day, I’m trying to convince my fellow whitey’s that this is real and it falls on deaf ears. I’ve just come to accept that people are dumb as bricks and absolutly selfish human beings. They don’t care about blatant racism and lies unless it directly affects them. They don’t care about global

I’ve been using a bluetooth Logitech scroll ball for almost a decade now. Not sure what you’re talking about. Logitech M570.

Can we talk about “they/them”? I have zero issue with anyone doing their thing and questioning any aspect of themselves at home or at work. I have zero issue with someone asking me to respect how they want to live their lives or who to sleep with or fuck or spoon with. I have zero issue on what you personally want to

If white Republicans aren’t up in arms over police using AK-47's on the streets, then everything they preach about not wanting “big government” is a lie. I think it’s safe to say they won’t be up in arms.

Just be the best version of the first two words you typed and you’ll do fine. “Good christ”.

Maybe they understand and just don’t care. Seems pretty on par with that lifestyle (the white version of it).

Great point. I think it’s time to make more great points and be specific. Being as general as our society is being right now about this issue is muddying the argument and taking voice away from people actually being affected.

I think that’s the argument to have then. That’s a very valid concern that everyone needs to be aware of and is being lost in the current approach being taken.

My Mexican roommate was very clear when pointing out “Mexicans making the food” didn’t mean it would be good or even remotely “authentic”.

Well exploitation usually infers profiting off of the thing you’e exploiting. If that’s the line people are concerned about, then that needs to be more clear.

Maybe he just thought you were a dick for making fun of his hair.

Has anyone in LA been able to get a thatre to show up on the app? I can’t believe not a single theatre accepts them in the largest city in America.

Victimhood seems to work for teenagers. Now she just sounds like a sad old woman who refuses to get therapy.

Wow, I also refuse to have Fireball at my bar. So yeah, I guess those two things are exactly the same to me :)