
Yep, if you live in the USA and pays taxes and aren’t on the street protesting racism every second of every day, then you’re helping perpetuate the cycle of racism...and you’re a racist. Racist does not equal Prejudice. They are different words with differnt meanings. Being a racist doesn’t necessarily mean you hate

There is a litany of complaints about DS, GoDaddy simply chose to ignore them.


Wow, you have a low IQ.

Fucking snowflakes. It’s mind boggling how far down the rabbit hole these idiots have fallen. “Fallen snowflake” is my new term for them.

Doesn’t seem like you understand the “nuanced” differences of the English words “yours” and “theirs”.

Most people think they’re doing a great job until their kid shoots someone in the face. Maybe read it, doing some introspective thinking and move on instead of being self centered and thinking everything is about you.

“And yet we all do it, right?”

Gotta love hyperbolic gross generalizations about entire ethnicities/races of people. What’s the point of being “woke” if you’re continually lumped in with the “unwoke”?

They closed my accunt for some mysterious reason that even phones reps didn’t understand. Best thing that ever happened to me. After two years, I noticed my digital purchases disappeared and I called in to get them back. They reopened my account completely, again, wth zero explanation.

See a therapist. Seriously. Using different bandaids doesn’t fix the underlying problem. When you have a few e-mount lenses lying around you still haven’t used, it’s time to admit you have a problem.

Trader Joe’s 100% Greek Kalamata Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Trader Joe’s 100% Greek Kalamata Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

To be fair, G Suite (paid Google account) is HIPAA compliant

Yep. I have the GR1, GR2 and the 32L Kit Bag. GR2 for travel if I’m not sure how the terrain is going to be (ie. smooth ground for a roller bag). GR1 for everyday backpack. Kit Bag has become the greatest carry-on to go with a roller bag because it actually fits well under the seat in front with room for my feet and

Yep. I have the GR1, GR2 and the 32L Kit Bag. GR2 for travel if I’m not sure how the terrain is going to be (ie.

I used Bluehost and Hostmonster for years, never had an issue with either. Now my stuff is so basic I just use Squarespace and pay more for less of a headache on maintenance.

I used Bluehost and Hostmonster for years, never had an issue with either. Now my stuff is so basic I just use

they already have too many from their other relatives”

Research shows that when we’re calm and not intensely focused, we’re more likely to come up with brilliant ideas.”

You sound like a rich millennial. Gifts to Disneyworld? Must have been nice growing up in your world. I had a $50 Huffy, some GI Joes and a used NES that we barely played. When I was a kid we played outside. We explored. We met new people. We built ramps to jump off. We took our allowance of $1 and went to the arcade

Time will tell. But you’re kind of proving my point with consumerism. The fact that you think that way about anyone in your life is sad.

“Putting your cash tip on the table and visibly docking it every time the server displeases you”