
Do you know a lot of children who eat dark chocolate? “Candy” in terms of children is pretty synonymous in this country and now worldwide and sugar is the underlying culprit of juice and candy. But way to try to deflect from the more important global crisis at hand!

It’s important to explain WHY fiber is so important. The sugar is in the fiber and the fiber takes time to break down, giving your body sugar (energy) over a sustained amount of time. Sugar in liquid form goes straight to your liver and spikes insulin, setting off a whole host of problems for our bodies, most

The people who have an issue with people who recline seem to be the people who can’t simply sit still and read a book or enjoy the silence. Don’t blame the person in front of you because you’re a workaholic and need your 17inch beast of a laptop open at all times of flight.

Exactly. I’m 6 foot and my knees practically touch the chair in front of me and I’ve never once felt obliged to open my mouth when they recline. The seat is MADE to recline.

Go sits at a kids desk chair for 5 hours and then tell me a few degrees of reclining doesn’t make a difference.

Zombie apocalypse is my final decision maker for all new purchases.

Yet that is that exact opposite of what the map says. Red meaning safer, which holds larger population sites. When it’s based off of 100,000 people that shows that educated population areas are healthier; east and west coast.

How is this any different than the dumpster fire we had before the Affordable Care Act was implemented? I know millenials aren’t that bright overall and don’t understand history, but health insurance was a complete fucking disaster before ACA. Are tings a little pricey right now? Sure. But the rates aren’t going

Weird, I’ve been ding IF for over a year and lost weight, but also have never heard of 5:2 IF. It doesn’t seem that that’s fasting. The IF I do is eating from 12pm-8pm and fasting the rest of the night. My other friend does a day of fasting once a week. Both of those are actual fasting, not simply decreasing caloric

All good. I just wanted to point out the flaw in that thought process. The more we discuss, the more we fine tune possible avenues for actually fixing the problem. When we debate amongst ourselves, and by “we” I mean anyone who believes in change, we’re able to slowly take away the ammo of those trying to shoot holes

Sure, but put nice clothes on that white kid and poof, bias is gone. Black kids can’t put on white skin. I was a white poor kid and now that I wear nice clothes, I receive zero negative bias from other white people.

Sure, but I think the first step is to simply ask him. In this day and age, it still blow my mind how many people live in absolute darkness, but there we are. We’re at a phase where we’re simply assuming the worst about people instead of asking them point blank what they meant because it’s so damn easy to be angry.

I’ve noticed a serious divide between the races, especially black and white, and the inability to to please the other, even when we try to advocate for each other (meaning all of us on the left). The constant, “don’t speak for me”, “don’t mansplain/whitesplain”, “keep your opinions to yourselves”, juxtaposed with

If you don’t care about me enough to make the video work properly, then maybe I shouldn’t keep following this blog.

In Passengers, didn’t she have a chance to get back in the medical bay tube and go back to sleep till they arrived? Or did I imagine that scene?

If it was obvious then why did you ask? I mean, didn’t the big desktop screen picture kind of give it away when you didn’t read the headline?

Good, you don’t belong with a weirdo like that. Glad that red flag presented itself sooner rather than later.

OK, but you’re sharing the cost of a house, ulitities, bills, etc. You don’t do that when you’re dating someone new. 

Don’t forget it happens here too, not to the extent of wires to fingers and/or nipples (a la James Bond) but through violence and intimidation from evangelical terrorists.

The comments at the end are priceless. Reminds me of the old white Muppets in the Peanut Gallery commenting on the show. Our country is a disaster.