
The comments at the end are priceless. Reminds me of the old white Muppets in the Peanut Gallery commenting on the show. Our country is a disaster.

To be fair, I haven’t been back in 7 years. Styles change dramatically in that time.

Ah, there’s the disconnect. Women can get away with a lot more in that realm than men.

I get it. My feet hurt for a month because sneakers aren’t the best travel shoes. That said, I did avoid detection a lot more when i was able to put my bag somewhere. I think that will be on my list to design, a comfortable travel shoe that doesn’t look fug.

Some stuff has to be HIPAA compliant and GSuite is, but regular gmail isn’t.

I didn’t want to say it in my first statement because it was a little general, but they all joked around and asked if I was gay because only gay guys go to the gym in France apparently, haha.

People wear sneakers, which are different than big NB style running shoes. Last time I was in Europe everyone loved to point out that that’s how they knew I was Americans. I bought Adidas sneakers to blend in.

Can you look into this for me? The law states they can deny boarding to a passenger if they’ve overbooked. Once the pasenger is seated, isn’t he technically boarded?

Running shoes are a big no-no if you want to blend in abroad. They scream “AMERICAN”. That in and of itself isn’t a bad thing, but not sticking out like a sore thumb has made traveling more fun for me.

I don’t believe this. Look at old people from around the world. Are old Japanese people doing this? Old French people? Whenever I travel out of the country nd mention I need to work out, they look at me oddly and wonder why. The need to work out is a symptom of crappy food in America and other “fat” countries. Where

I’ve been posting this since the election.

Watch the doc: The Brainwashing of my Dad.

Watch the doc: The Brainwashing of my Dad.

I’m not disagreeing with you on any of that, but it’s fucking lifehacker, haha. DO you really come to them for journalism? Their “how to lose weight” guru is an overweight “journalist”. Take it with a grain of salt. This is JV football, so I just cheer and smile and don’t expect pulitzer prize winning journalism.

I’m not disagreeing with you on any of that, but it’s fucking lifehacker, haha. DO you really come to them for

How else would he be able to review it? Psychically? Or do you expect him to pay for the couch, review it, and then try to sell it? What if he already had a couch? Is he supposed to sell his old couch first, buy the new one and then keep it if he happens to like it?

How else would he be able to review it? Psychically? Or do you expect him to pay for the couch, review it, and then

Please take your meds before posting.

Please take your meds before posting.

If there weren’t so many people trying to tell us it wasn’t really happening and trying to stop postitive change, I don’t think people would feel nearly so hopeless about it all.

If there weren’t so many people trying to tell us it wasn’t really happening and trying to stop postitive change, I don’t think people would feel nearly so hopeless about it all.

If there weren’t so many people trying to tell us it wasn’t really happening and trying to stop postitive change, I don’t think people would feel nearly so hopeless about it all.

If there weren’t so many people tryign to tell us it wasn’t really happening and trying to stop postitive change, I don’t think people would feel nearly so hopeless about it all.