It’s no one’s job but your own to know when to stop doing grunt work. If you’re good at it, why would they promote you unless you give them a reason to.
It’s no one’s job but your own to know when to stop doing grunt work. If you’re good at it, why would they promote you unless you give them a reason to.
Outside of Drive support, how is this different than a one-time payment for Mailplane?
I still can’t get it to work when trying to convert mkv to an iTunes readable format :(
Sorry, but the 2-step “Pulltaps” $6 wine key is the fastest, easiest way to open wine. You can even get them at TJ’s.
Screw top is the way to go. Zero spoil rate. A someone who’s purchased wine for restaurants, I’ll only go with screw tops now. Nothing worse than buying a nice bottle of wine, getting home, and finding out it turned :( Well, I’m sure there are worse things in the world, but it’s never fun.
Argh, bought Castro a couple days before the sale hit...and it’s not for me. So not only did I pay full price, but I don’t use the app. It’s my major gripe with the App Store.
They’ve been promising this for years. It’s the reason I stopped using the app a couple years ago.
Yup, me too.
All my lawyer friends would hate you. They are inundated by people who call them and them send them a follow-up email. Their lives are too busy. They just want the email. They literally all bitch about this on FB when they get home and feel like half their day was wasted by people doing this.
I don’t get the impression the browser is for a daily driver. More for doing some searching off the grid.
No integration. it has a button on the bottom right which launches you into your default browser if you need to log into a website. It launches you into the exact page in the default browser.
Ugh, flood gates opened.
Yeah, there’s all kinds of fail in your post.
When I was a kid, and my mom got home from work, she had all the leisure time in the world, beause I was out playing. She had to drag my ass home to eat dinner and do homework, which seems like when the parenting started up again. Maybe if parents let their kids outside of the house without freaking the f$ck out all…
Yeah, it’s not just republicans who don’t believe in or understand science. I’ve been doing a lot of /facepalming the last few days.
I ask because my WD harddrive is giving me serious problems with saying it’s disconnecting repeatedly but actually still being there.
Just bought a new Seagate, fingers crossed.
I ask because my WD harddrive is giving me serious problems with saying it’s disconnecting repeatedly but actually…
Joe McCarthy would be proud.
I had a Seagate for 6 years with zero isues. Literally just replaced it yesterday with a new Seagate that had over a thousand 4-5 star reviews on Bestbuy. The WD’s only have a few hundred. I also have a WD as my Time Machine harddrive. What’s your beef with Seagate?
I had a Seagate for 6 years with zero isues. Literally just replaced it yesterday with a new Seagate that had over a…
Man, you really didn’t understand ANYTHING he wrote.
It doesn’t seem like you read the article. For the first 20 years of gaming consoles, you bought a game that had been tested through the nose for bugs, popped it in your console and it just worked. This is no longer the case. His premise is that gaming is worse now because game makers are pushing out half finished…