
Exactly. When a company has less than 15% marketshare in America, most hacers aren’t super motivated to crack said OS. Especially when most of those users are artists.

haha, you’re a moron. I actually really disliked Steve Jobs, thought he was a douche.

It’s mindnumbing how stupid people in Congress and the Senate are. They get hacked, then decide it’s a good idea in response to collect everyone’s personal information in one centralized hub. Because that definitely won’t get hacked. /facepalm.

I had shitty posture for a while. Went to a chiro and we realized that cartilage had fuzed my spine into a stopped position. Over the course of a few painful months, he broke that cartilage up and now I can stand upright. I still have to do stuf to break up the cartilage on my own every night because it wants to set

But despite my shitty keyboard, you can’t argue that fact it did really well in the major “smart people” cities.

Typical troll reply when you have no evidence to support your rant.

I ask because my WD harddrive is giving me serious problems with saying it’s disconnecting repeatedly but actually still being there.
Just bought a new Seagate, fingers crossed.

I ask because my WD harddrive is giving me serious problems with saying it’s disconnecting repeatedly but actually

Got to give me some slack for being stuck with shittiest (iPhone) keyboard known to man.

As long as it doesn’t stop FIFA from getting paid to have the World Cup there every once in a while.

Joe McCarthy would be proud.

A troll reply doesn’t work against factual statements.

I had a Seagate for 6 years with zero isues. Literally just replaced it yesterday with a new Seagate that had over a thousand 4-5 star reviews on Bestbuy. The WD’s only have a few hundred. I also have a WD as my Time Machine harddrive. What’s your beef with Seagate?

I had a Seagate for 6 years with zero isues. Literally just replaced it yesterday with a new Seagate that had over a

The audience was the intelligencia community that it opened to two weeks ago and whom actually DID go out and see it. It did really well in those cities.

Yeha, the majority of it was the one wolf simply blocking the way of the dog, letting the other one nip away.

If Hitler didn’t exist, Israel probably wouldn’t exist.

OK, but the reality is Apple hasn’t broken 15% market share in the last twenty years. Which I’m totally fine with, keeps the majority of bugs with the Windows users.

First off, if you’re putting oxybenzone on your skin, stop. If it’s killing coral reefs, imagine what it’s doing to your skin. Go to Whole Foods, Sprouts, or any other health food store, and buy Reef Safe sunscreens. They are organic, usually ONLY consist of Zinc or a combo of Zinc and Titanium Dioxide. They are thick

Man, you really didn’t understand ANYTHING he wrote.

It doesn’t seem like you read the article. For the first 20 years of gaming consoles, you bought a game that had been tested through the nose for bugs, popped it in your console and it just worked. This is no longer the case. His premise is that gaming is worse now because game makers are pushing out half finished

huh? It proves his point that we could play games straight out of the box instead of waiting for endless updates and connecting to online accounts.