
Huh? I had the OG Xbox and not once did I connect it to the internet. Popped in the disc and played the game (about 60 in all). Took ZERO type to set up.

Best Onion article I’ve read in weeks.


“What doesn’t?” Every single game console before the XBOX One.

Sound like stock replies from global warming deniers.

As an artist, I try to never call out a fellow artist for shotty work. But damn, invest in a steady cam guys, the rental price isn’t that much and you can make your own if funds are tight.

Captain Slow’s long hair is so many kinds of wrong.

Where’s your art? Please post it and let us discuss.

You have to stop thinking with your 2015 brain. They already have a 3D printer that prints glass. In 10 years we’ll be able to print using every imaginable material.

I’ve been reading about the basic living wage we’ll give to every person in America, whether they work or not, because there really won’t be much work for people to do that computers aren’t doing for them. Hypothetically, it would allow everyone to do what they want and no longer have to worry about making enough to

If it’s anything like Road Runner Sports, they will probably measure your gait and build a shoe on how best to support your foot in it’s natural running position.

Don’t worry, it will happen within the next ten years. Everyone will own a 3D printer and print all their clothes, shoes, hygiene products, etc. The only shopping we’ll do will be to buy the ingredients to put in the printer. As a guy with wide shoulders, I can’t wait.

I’m sure their user base was stagnant compared to pro editors and they decided to put their resources there (I’m sure as in, I have know clue).

I was just going to post the same exact thing. I only bought Snapheal Pro, but that doesn’t work. I thought Pixelmator (not a Macphun app) was supposed to work as well (I have the App Store version), but that doesn’t work either.

At the end of the it looked like he was giving high fives to the zombies (video showed “bloody” hands), so I’m pretty sure he was aware it was just a game. Plenty of kids grew up shooting things and have turned out just fine. It’s the parent’s role to teach them the difference between make believe and reality. This

I don’t think anyone was clear on your point since it was so far removed from the thesis of the article.

No where near as brutal as bartending for 8 hours. Moving is light years easier on the body then standing and leaning.

Um...that’s not how evolution was explained to me. The heart didn’t weaken because we were being chased and didn’t need to be used as much. The heart weakened because the fastest runners were surviving and passing along their genes. The faster runners ended up having hearts that didn’t pump as well standing still and

You’re on Giz, your time is obviously not important.

They do. But most rational people see that batteries are getting better, smaller and with a smaller carbon footprint every year, which is why they are superior to combustion engines. Imagine what a battery will look like and be capable of in another 20 years compared to how they were 20 years ago. Now imagine the