
Dude in front is either super ballsy or super crazy.

The first picture is a foreboding sign of things to come; humans too stupid/apathetic to avoid a large piece of machinery heading right at them. Mobile updates are much more important than life.

Good for her for finding her voice. America is pretty good at suppressing it in women and communities of color.

But that doesn’t mean the middle person gets to dig their elbows into my sides. I can’t believe how many times I’ve had to physically push someone’s elbow out of my side. That amount of stupidity shouldn’t be allowed to leave the house unattended.

I tell him he needs to find another seat/switch with someone. I’m tall too and the only way I fit is by reclining back a touch which allows me to slide my feet under the seat in front of me and not have my knees get smashed.

I love smashing the shit out of those bags. I have carabiners on the sides of my bag and purposefully gouch the bags of people like you. Just a nice quick way to release a little pent up frustration.

Fuck em, sit somewhere else. I’m over six feet and leaning the fuck back. If airplanes want to force us upright in an unnatural seated position with zero lumbar support, they’ll have to deal with the negative feedback and anger from customers; which is exactly where that 6’4” person should be directing their anger.

Or follow Colossal on Feedly. Every other day they’ll do a whole post with a big “SPONSOR” at the beginning of it. This lets people know it’s a sponsor and that, hopefully, has been vetted by the person I come to for information.

Love that they’re slowly building out this app but it’s still pretty far behind others. Since I use my Google Apps account with a few aliases filtered into it, I still can’t easily use the Mail app because it doesn’t support aliases (which blows my mind in 2015). totally got me. I got drawn in because I was tired and didn’t catch on that I was being punked. You sir, got me good. I didn’t catch onto the sarcasm until “Sports Broadcaster”. Kudos.

Sure, Troll, you’ve provided tons of data to support your “facts”.

If you were talking about Android, I’d say “sure, the data supports that statement”. But we’re talking about iOS; people who use iOS pay for apps on a much greater scale.

Sure, but if he’s not even doing that coding work, or checking to make sure things are running smoothly, then it’s not a good app to support. Not to mention bugs happen, especially in the beginning when tens of thousands of people are now the “big beta group”. I’m happy with switching to Purify having already gotten

He was a civil rights lawyer at Miner, Barnhill & Galland and taught constitutional law part-time at the University of Chicago Law School for 12 years. He was then elected to the Illinois State Senate where he served for 8 years before making a successful bed to the US Senate.

Wes, as a counterpoint to the vast debate that took place on your last post, this post is some serious weak sauce. Why even bother man? Do you really have so little respect for all of us? RandomArisian and I had a great debate that you could have chosen to be a part of and instead you offer...this? A link to one NYT’s

“After all, humans encroach on animal territory, it’s never the other way around.”

I’m always happy to be taught something new, yet you continually make statements without providing any facts. When I give you a link proving what I say is true, you dismiss it without proving it. WHy would I ever take you seriously? That something trolls do.

haha, thank god Apple sort of is. Already got my refund.

Apple agrees with me though. Already got my refund.

On a side note, I think app developers are navigating new waters and figuring out how many updates are worth their “free time” versus working on a Version 2 and recharging people. I’m of the mind that if I use it enough, then I’m more than happy to repay again, say a year later.