
When that’s what makes you app work? Like an adblocker? Yes. For a note taking app or something similar that works fine, then no.

I disagree. I’ve repurchased Tweetbot, Fantastical, and many more when enough new features were added to warrant a Version 2 and even 3.

Obviously not since Apple already refunded my purchase and acknowledged that was a legitimate reason to request a refund.

Me too.

Hmm. I think apps like these are in the gray area since they need constant updates of info to make them relevant. Having to repurchase it every week to get the new lists to block wouldn’t be cost effective, so in terms of this app, I’m going into it thinking it will work like any other adblocker working on mobile or

Apple already refunded my money and acknowledged that no updates is a legitimate reason for asking for a refund, so I guess you’re wrong.

I think it might be a good idea. With Adsense and other similar ads, it seems the hosts are ignorant of the effect mass ads have on the reader. Maybe this way content creators will think carefully about how to advertise to us.

But we won’t ever get an update, which is, more or less, an unwritten agreement when I buy an app from a developer.

So does that mean I get my money back?

Oh my god. It’s like talking to a brick wall. Fine, I’ll spell it out.

Actually you apologized for asking me to look something up, which showed your stupidity, which hurt my brain.

I already scored with “two sides to every argument” up above!

We’re already doing that. So nothing would change.


There’s ignorant and stupid. This person is bordering on stupid. Probably not worth wasting your breath.

Yeah, especially when they can get all that scientist money from the gubment to refuel their Honda Civics and use AIR CONDITIONERS in their two bedroom apartments! Bunch of lying thieves!

“there are always two sides to any story”

More CO2 is better for the trees. The more we make proves how much more we care about trees than those of you cutting back. Think of the trees!

Maybe you hate it so much because Apple did a shitty pathetic job on the keyboard. The fact that some of the lowercase keys are higher than their capital counterparts makes the keyboard difficult to view when typing fast. I’d love to find out what kind of drugs they were on when designing it.

He dedicated his 20’s and 30’s to helping low income families be contributing members of society. He was the head of Harvard’s Law Review. He ran a successful bid for the US Senate. Whether you like his policies or not doesn’t mean the man didn’t have a solid set of credentials to be America’s leader. Reagan was an