
hmm. For a person who’s never understood what a good music streaming service is, of course you think Apple Music is good. Which is fine. But right now, you’re like that Window’s Vista user who thinks Vista is the bomb because they’ve never tried anything else.

0. Spotify ftw.

The EPA caused the LEAK, not the POLLUTION. The leak occurred because the polluters walked away and left a big pile of shit for someone else to clean up.

To be fair, we aren’t a kind of ape. We didn’t evolve from apes. Apes aren’t a kind of human, apes didn’t evolve from humans.

But he’s American, it’s his right!

You don’t know what “ad hominem” means.

Two words. Bernie Sanders.

It’s hard to even listen to you when you supply zero scientific evidence for your case.

You don’t seem to understand what theory means. It seems like you mean hypothesis. Theories are hypotheses’ that have so much science behind them, that scientists take it as fact because no one has been able to prove it wrong. It’s not called the Pythagorean Hypothesis, it’s called the Pythagorean Theorem.

That’s the most ridiculous statement. The polluters created billions of gallons of pollution. To put the onus on the EPA, when no one is willing to take responsibility for cleaning it up, it dumb. Especially when you have the lunatic right attacking them left and right instead of supporting them in their desire to

Fine, I have a few moments to feed the troll.

Years of under/defunding minority schools over the last 60 years by white conservatives has had devastating on minority communities in America. Now white conservatives are doing it to their own children. When white conservatives show that they don’t understand their own history, how can we expect them to understand

None of that is true, troll.

You lost me me at “little liberal minds”. The dumbest people on earth have always been conservatives.

He alredy said he’s not from this country. He doesn’t seem too bright. Don’t feed him.

Don’t feed the troll.

That’s the app I miss most being on iOS now, ES File Explorer. I used that on a daily basis. iOS blows for data management.

So true. It’s especially frustrating when they spend months refusing to acknowledge there’s even a problem. This is definitely the bed they’ve made. why are you with him?

I love that this bitch is a meme. I try not to use that word, but if you think it’s cool to bang on your kid’s stroller and scream like a goat, then...