
Actually they

That was my point. Alpha’s don’t die of old age. They get killed by the next Alpha. By killing him the way the dentist did, through everything off because there wasn’t a new Alpha to take over the pride. Just hope Cecil’s brother can hold the fort down.

I was so frustrated during that last storm two weeks ago. We had just got the announcement of beach showers closures as I’m standing over the “river” in Culver City, watching billions of gallons of water flow out into the ocean. LA needs a serious enema when it comes to infrastructure.

Good. They need those rules and that final vague statement so they don’t ever have to explain their actions in the future. They own the site. If you don’t like it, go to a different site. For someone who says they are happy R/coontown is gone, you seem very upset about everything.

Dumb people are always going to believe “the internet”. Maybe you should meet some scientists.

wtf? You have no clue what you’re talking about. Pride leading lions don’t get old and worn out. They get killed by the next alpha who can beat them. If Cecil was still around, it means he was one badass motherfucker.

That only works with certain animals, not all. Apparently lions in Africa don’t fall into that category. Their prides tend to decrease in size when hunting is allowed. I’ll try to dig up the article I read this in.

Yup. Love it.

And yet you keep responding, so I must be worth it.

haha. Keep telling yourself that, kid.

Wow, how do you not know about “tall” sizes?

...seriously...? That’s the best you were able to come up with after all that time?

No, you haven’t. What you’ve done instead of blame the victim for “creating” the situation.

Dashboard cams seem to have been a great help in law enforcement and in helping citizens stop police brutality. Why wouldn’t body cams help just as much?

Well you’re right. I totally didn’t look at it that way. Dude totally deserved to be shot in the head....

“The video shows he was dragged after the shot.”

You don’t watch the new much, do you?

And you just lost the argument. Keep your cool man. You may learn something.

In what country do you live? Black men are being killed and harassed all the time, even when they comply.

The driver wasn’t dragged. Why are you still on that?