
It's crazy to listen to people who live in a strictly white or black world.

That's what all the third kind of people say.

If you think wind and solar will NEVER replace coal and natural gas, then you're too stupid for me to talk to.

Don't argue with idiots.

California has progressively used less oil and energy over the last decade while increasing its population.

CIA_Burner_Account and George Carlin have a video you need to watch, it will shed some light on your view points.

Really? Building wind and solar farms is draconian? What reality to do you live in?

Did you read the article?

huh? Your comment sounds a little too much like what Hitler and Stalin spoke of and their "Solutions". I'm not trying to compare you to them, don't worry. But anytime someone says we can no longer tolerate a group of people, the hair on the back of my neck stands up.

How a community treats it's homeless and less fortunate speaks volumes about it.

They've simply taken a page from America's playbook. In the 70's and 80's, the US government had eradicated hunger in America. Once conservatives came in and thought the private sector could do it better, we now have 50% of children in America's public schools on food aid and 20% of children are food insecure, meaning

I disagree, society can most certainly engineer society. Do some research on the steps Portland has taken to make their city the most livable city in America.

And I'd switch today if Firefox would remember my default search preference. No matter what I do, it still reverts back to Yahoo.

I opened up Firefox to test it out, and it crashed my computer. I've never had anything but bad luck with Firefox, as much as I want to leave Chrome.

You must have never heard of the French.


I agree with everything but the Bourne comment. Way too shaky for me in that film.

No, same handle there as here. I agree, Jeff is awesome.

haha, crazy aside, she's too dumb to pass any kind of nurse exam.

God, you free market people make my brain hurt because you don't know what he free market is.