
I shared a link on that post to a study by the American Pediatric Society which studied over 700,000 children and proved vaccines don't cause autism. This was her response.

You have to stop drinking the Kool-aid. Read it for yourself.

I'm having so much fun on that site right now.

Title II is already law. The government wouldn't be writing anything new by classifying internet the same as telephone. Title II protects the consumer.

That would be an epic name.

"You, sir, have what few brain cells you have left stuck on delusional."

Trying to reverse engineer it, it looks like it's shot with a softlighter or something similar to give an extremely soft light and the light is off to the side, 90 degrees away. That ay the light wraps around and doesn't reflect like it normally would. Add tons of other fill lights on teh backdrop to get the back lit

I honestly don't follow this type of stuff at all, outside of seeing images on tabloids as I'm checking out at the grocery store. Everything I've seen in the last week seems to indicate a person shifting. Tons of rumors here in Hollywood about a reality show to go along with it. But at the end of the day I don't care.

That last arrow was badass.

If a person dresses like a woman, you use She until asked to do otherwise, it's polite society. You don't wait for an official statement over Twitter to treat people with respect.

I told you to turn your brain on before typing, that was a whole lot of stupid you just spewed out. You don't know what I know and I don't know what you know, that's why we share links to defend our viewpoints.

She. Don't be a dick.

Um...the pictures on the left are shot with strobes. Strobes are big flashes. /facepalm

No, I'm referring to the Communications Act of 1934, Title II, Section 202. By classifying internet under those same rules, it will be run as the telecom companies have been run over the last 80+ years. I haven't heard too many complaints about phone service in my lifetime outside of long distance calling which the

I agree with you but let's be honest, whooping cough isn't coming back solely because of anti-vaxxers.

You don't live in free country. /facepalm.

Because they failed so bad when they did it with telephone service? Oh yeah, they didn't fail, it worked marvelously.

That's why they didn't allow comments on the video, haha. Imagine the shaming that would have taken place.

Why wouldn't they? Comcast and Verizon's goals could hurt Gizmodo and other sites like it if allowed to have their way with the internet. They have every right to be vocal (on their own website) about keeping their business alive.

I'd love you to give me a list of the ways the telephone industry took a nose dive and hurt consumers by being classified Title 2.