
That's funny, because I've never heard anyone complain that the government was stifling telephone innovation by labeling it Title 2. There's a reason copper wire never got better, it's reached it's cap. People are still trying to get better speeds out of it but it's damn hard to do and being Title 2 isn't making it

We're the original illegals who wiped out native American populations by bringing over disease.

Yeah, because we've never had any undocumented foreigners coming into California before this....I /facepalm in your general direction.

Stop, just let this guy and his genes die off and hope we're not in the splatter radius and get anything he has.

I think your comment is flying miles over people's heads :P

And then throw in the CIA screwing with black people in teh south through the medical system. In NYC it's crazy how there is a whole swath of black people who refuse to go to the doctor. America has done a shit ton of stupid things over the last 100 years to create the shitstorm we're in.

Now take those same people and try to explain climate change to them. We're all fucked.

The reason you seem to be a victim is you use really aggressive words like "attacking" when referencing someone asking you a question.

Ugh, you're such a victim, how do you make it through the day when everyone is against you?

At this point I can't tell if you're just trolling.

Yes, the list is long of things you missed.

I guess my main problem with your argument is your refusal to look in the mirror and see that you have blue eyes. Instead, you choose to poke holes in the guy's argument and keep away from any type of reflective surface that would prove him right.

haha, nice. We don't get a ton of ticks in LA. mainly because we don't have a ton of trees here...

I think you're over-thinking this, and I say this because I used to be the same way. Now I'm more of an Occam's Razor kind of thinker.

I love these. I wore them whenever it snowed in NYC unless the streets hadn't been plowed yet and then I had to use big snow boots. But these, with a good pair of wool socks were a blessing for walking all over the city in slushy dirty snow.

"Around here" is where?

haha, ok, I'll rephrase it. Mr. John, stop feeding the troll :P

No, it's not.

That sucks man. They've done a study with over 360,000 kids and it showed that the vaccines aren't causing ASD. That's doesn't mean that the vaccines, in connection with something else in the modern day society, aren't triggering ASD. if you really feel the vaccine was in some way the cause of your nephew's ASD, no

Arken, stop feeding the troll.