
You sir, are on the ball today.

You’re not wrong. I’ve got a 98 LeSabre and my dad has an 89 Allante. It’s a bad time.

I’ll tell you what, I love the LS, and I like internal combustion engines, I get it, I do, but things like this are why I’m excited that electric cars are going to become much more ubiquitous. The drive train is just SO much simpler. In a tradition IC car there are just an absurd amount of parts.

I’ve been in love with this song since this episode came out. I have shown it to all of my (often unappreciative) friends while laughing maniacally. Somehow it does not surprise me that Torch, of all people, also sees this as a work of art lol. Have a good one, Jason.

That is exceptionally brave, and I’m not sure I could lust after it any harder.

I know I’m late, but gold Stutz Bearcat (not the one pictured). The one I’ve seen is flawless and lives nearby, I know the owner.

This is, somehow, the first I’ve heard of this. Seeing as I’m already a huge fan of the GMC motorhome, this is right up my alley.

Oh. My. Goodness. I just went from straight faced to busting a gut at this. Wonderful.

Damn, unfortunately you’re a little out of range. I’ll find one in good shape sooner or later.

Easily fulfilled dreams (at least in some respect) is the key to a happy man. So I’ll have multi-tiered dreams, maybe the Brougham soon and the Citroen SM that I really have my eye on later in life. As far as that offer goes, you don’t happen to live in Michigan, do you?

Sir, your car is one of my dream cars.

If Buick dies, I’ll die. They can’t kill Buick.

God damn, I love this comment, but you’re stuck at 666 stars and I don’t want to be the guy to break it because you’re right. It’s foreboding. Best two minutes of my day.

You’re telling me, if I would’ve spoken like that in my Lit class in high school (HIGH SCHOOL) my teacher would’ve asked me to shut up until I could figure out how to properly exercise the English language.

I agree, that’s what should be done with all that extra space left behind when the seats are removed. Two Hellcat Engines.

I agree, tail lights are a dead giveaway. Definitely a Corvette under there.


Please un-grey me pals.

California should be so lucky. I’d pay good money to have Elon drill me lol. Amazing man.

While I appreciate the sentiment, some perverted part of me desperately wants a Ferrari with a quad-turbo inline four. Yes please. But, then again, I also want luxury cars to have straight eights again, so what do I know?