Flowers notes that Hamermesh’s paper, “The Stress Cost of Children,” has not been peer-reviewed, but he finds the results nonetheless startling.
Flowers notes that Hamermesh’s paper, “The Stress Cost of Children,” has not been peer-reviewed, but he finds the results nonetheless startling.
Or they will...
Yeah, okay, except this poll says the exact opposite of what you’re saying. “First woman President” is literally the first reason people would vote for her.
Thanks for the addition of all. The “mid engine” clarification above seemed arbitrary considering this is true for all cars.
No, pornography is inherently disposable and inherently capitalistic. It’s very existence is built around exploitation of resources. The documentary is correct. You are incorrect.
Nope, yours was the top one and I stopped there.
This just in, man calling for empathy in others has none himself!
Yeah, you don’t get it. Here, I’ll let a Black man explain it.
Burkett is also a woman.
What I find fascinating in terms of dialogue is that all a man has to do to now be considered able to understand the female experience is declare he’s a woman and really mean it. I’m not saying this is incorrect (and have no real idea whether it is or not) but it’s interesting considering the argument about men not…
Kevin McHale played with a broken foot. Get on the court, Kyrie!
Yeah, clearly this isn’t the kind of guy who would throw a chair at a woman in a bowling alley.
This is called irony but okay.
Because women, amiright? Huh? Huh?
I’m just going to say that I’m not sure how else universities are supposed to react when academic leaders and political leaders keep saying that campuses are so unsafe that 20% of all women are raped...a number higher than the Congo.
It may not be a monolith but many feminists want it to be a monolith.
Anyone that didn’t see this coming really should have. Congrats, academia is slowly being destroyed by the pro-Neverland faction which grows every time they get their way.
Only Gawker could take offense at a fake journalist doing journalism.
You’re not under the impression that indigenous Christians living in Muslim lands alongside people ethnically exactly like them (historically) is the same as a North African muslim moving to Austria today are you? If you are, disillusion yourself of that particular thought. They are not the same at all either…
I wasn’t aware I’d stated an intent. I was, however, addressing the “boots on the ground” combat question which is in no way the same as “intent.”