
Sorry, at this point I’m genuinely confused as to what Deadspin thinks is true. I think Deadspin might also be confused as to what it thinks is true.

Interestingly, and I don’t say this to disparage you, your position is closer to Bush 1’s than you may know. It’s pretty commonly believed/understood that what Bush really wanted to do was find a reason to invade Iraq to begin a kind of democracy conversion that would eventually cause conflict in the region to lessen

You, I like you.

Well they were tolerant, yeah, after they’d taken over your country and forced you to pay taxes for believing differently than they did all while instituting a religious law you have no power to change. Are we really calling that tolerant now?

I’m of the opinion that 10,000 U.S. troops on the ground could have this mopped up in about two weeks with circa 30k in ISIS casualties, 2k in civilian casualties and 6k in “who knows” casualties.

You seem to be unaware of why the Ottoman Empire was partitioned in the first place. Europe had been fighting a war with the Muslim world off and on for hundreds of years and finally won. So, they partitioned it to weaken them so they could solidify that win.

Catch a flight to Kuridstan and join the Pershmerga.

No, that is not when this “all began.”


Yes, always.

Now playing

Gutting and scaling is way easier than a lot of people think it is.

And yet Chevy’s managed to make it boring.

Nah, it’s basically what you said.


I see two possibilities, here. The first is that I slipped through a rip in the fabric of space-time without noticing on my way to bed last night, and woke in an alternate universe. In this universe, the Rockets are not the hare-brained bunch of doofuses we’ve all known them to be, who never in a million years could

I will never understand this rolling around on the ground shit.

God, I’d completely forgotten about that malevolent ass interview.

Let’s be clear, when we say “the fight that was supposed to save boxing” we mean Floyd Mayweather has a fantastic defense and is totally unwatchable.

He didn’t learn from Dunleavy at all despite the attempts to teach him. You foul during a confusing play or during transition and you make them glancing blows if possible. THAT is when you can sneak it in. It’s like he’s still a rookie.