
How else would they get clicks?

Or perfectly suited for someone with neurological and motor issues, like MS, or, say, Parkinson’s.

You’re a terrible person

herzerwärmende und liebenswerte

I know right? It’s uncanny

OK, so you want a different type of movie. Maybe not by you, but I think Star Wars would be considered a better story than Halloween by many people.

Did you ever think this is one of the reasons why the series is so beloved? (4-6) Because Vader DIDN’T turn out just to be evil personified? The fact that Luke essentially saved his dad from himself I think holds a lot resonance for the non-hard-core sci-fi people.

Consider the end of The Empire Strikes Back, after Luke escapes and Vader returns to the Super Star Destroyer. They both look up as if to be communicating telepathically, and Vader calls out to him, calling him “son”. Luke first answers his call, but then focuses his attention on Obi-Wan, instead calling out to him

What do you mean by “core of pure goodness”? He had some remaining good urges mixed with the bad, and they won out in his final actions, but that doesn’t mean he was somehow an essentially good person who just made some mistakes in life. And as I mentioned in this comment, the idea that there was still some good in, I take it you missed the bit in ESB that shows how conflicted Vader is about it all?

But where did good or evil come from? Certainly not from whiny-assed mopiness

If you want a character to have no emotional depth and just be “Hur, I’m a badass!” Then you want Darth Maul.

Did you have a problem with Vader killing the Emperor? Because that would have made little sense without this scene.

It would have been better if there had been hints dropped earlier. But that might have required having Vader on-screen more, which would have lessened the impact when he did show up.

The scene where luke turns himself over to vader in ROTJ is a great scene. It’s the first glimpse of vader having a glimmer of good underneath.

I am right there with you almost exactly. My boy is 7 and this has been carved in stone as a “daddy and son are gonna lose their minds event” since the first preview last year.

You can’t disagree with it? I agree that there are some plotholes and issues with the movies but I cannot agree that those plotholes/issues make the movies suck. They are still great imo.

“Chin-stroking hater” is Albert’s bread and butter.

This is like the haters guide to Star Wars, chin-stroking version.

You probably think Be Here Now is the best Oasis album.