
Because every drug using fuck around gets AIDS. Okay, church lady, you had your say.

Again, you think Vader is a plot device. He isn’t. You want him to be but he isn’t. He’s a villain with characterization and a story arc. That you don’t immediately identify this is may indicate that you have some massive moral failing.

Long been frustrated? Since 1980?

A purely evil character isn’t a character, it’s a plot device. The Emperor was already that plot device.

When I was eight years old I loved that song.

Hamilton, your boxing writing has always been good and continues to be good, thank you.

Can’t tell if Palin joke or politician joke.

...I don’t care.

Stop it, this isn’t what millions of people heard in yoga class and it’s not the image they’ve non-chalantly made up for an entire religion without bothering to read about it all while othering it into a kind “idealized stuck a perfect past” pigeon hole.

All this proves is that the interviewer, and possibly you, have no sense of humor. It’s the most obvious dad joke ever told by a public figure.

No, I hear you, it’s interesting but uptalk itself is quite annoying.

Wait....she’s Black? Man, thanks for pointing that out!

Uptalk is for idiots. Stop trying to justify it. Also, imagine me interrupting you right now.

Is it just me or is Effie sexy as a motherfucker?

Why are adults using the term “diverse” to mean Black on national television like they’re 6 year olds?

Juliana did that thing we’ve all done, telling him it was cool with her when it really wasn’t. After he got back a few hours later, probably feeling pretty great from all that exercise and alone time, they fought.

Are you talking about rich ass movie star Ellen Page or less rich Tea Party darling Ted Cruz? I get my privilege levels mixed up so help me out.

Oh those Chinese, endlessly creative.

Yeah, Miley and Yazidi child sex slaves, definitely two things that should be mentioned in the same sentence.