Gene Parmesan

At the very least, Bezos is having the worst month he’s had in a very long time, and that brings me some small joy.


And of course the biggest, wettest middle finger possible to all of the bootlickers in these comments sections on splinter dot com, as well as that rich jackass on SNL who’s undoubtedly going to cry about it on this week’s episode. No more subsidizing billionaires.

I understand how the corporate world works plenty. I worked for Amazon for a long time, I even once met Jeff Bezos briefly. Now I’m being flown to Europe to work there, where if anyone wants to fire me they have to give me at least a month’s notice, and after a couple years it goes to two months. Over 90% of labor

5. Maybe I shouldn’t have written anything in the first place

She called herself “California’s Top Cop” lol, fuck that

that’s not a mode of production. that’s a municipal service, which certainly is worth a lot to society and which almost all socialists advocate for, but that’s slightly outside of the strictly socialist purview. socialism concerns private property, workplaces, means of production, and profit. some great places to

Now playing

None of those things you mentioned are socialist. Socialism is not when the government does things. Socialism is when we have direct democratic control over the means of production, over our workplaces, and socialism has the goal of ending the profit motive entirely and the abolishment of the commodity form. Right now

holy shit you really don’t understand what socialism is at all, this is like hearing a republican describe it. amazing!

He’s a lowkey conservative. It’s depressing as hell because he’s pretty funny.

“There’s no way two people could be wrong about the same thing”

That depends on what you’re going for. It can be overbearing a la most soap operas. It can also be far too subtle like in most Marvel films where they’re extraordinarily bland. There’s a fine line to walk.

Gonna be honest, David Fincher choosing to direct the first (and worst by far) episode of Mindhunter has made me think his ability to select TV projects based on writing is mediocre at best. 

Sure, just like they really went hard on Jeffrey fucking Epstein and all of the other people who were on those flights with him, including two presidents.

Also, because the FBI is the FBI, they’ve declined to investigate. Fuuuuuck the FBI so much.

She’s pretty legendary for being an awful person to work for and with, but she’s got a solid writing team that I believe also collaborated on this special, so I’m sure she squeezed them for something that works.

“I actually know things about the rest of the world, like how we all should be afraid of Mexicans but the movies and the reviewers won’t let us.”

Nope, he was absolutely worse than Trump. He was CIA head during some of the most ghoulish CIA actions, including Iran-Contra and the constant coups in South and Central America. What he did in the Middle East was one of the main progenitors for what his son did. Trump is a vile, vile man but his impact on the world

FilmStruck was too good for this world. For a minute you could just skip right over the shit films, just to the good ones.

Time for another round of: Devoid of Intelligence or Troll?

...if there are Socialist-leaning Democrats who won their primaries... shouldn’t people vote for them? Like if they’re still in the race?