Gene Parmesan

Bret, invite me to dinner at your house. I will NOT call you a bedbug. I will, however, give you a swirly and bang your wife. 

There has never been a more important issue facing anybody at any time at any place in the history of our species. And even this Splinter article starts by describing it as potentially “one of” the most important issues for our next President. That’s not a knock on the author, that’s just where we are.

The Democratic Party abandoned Unions decades ago and this was first glaringly evident when Reagan destroyed PATCO and they did nothing. The final twist of the knife came when NAFTA was signed totally against the policy of the AFL-CIO. There is no “free” trade when United States labor, safety and environmental

I wasn't aware that Trump thought it a good idea that the Yuan weaken. Quite the reverse in fact 

Life’s been good to him so far.


Hahahahaha, c’mon.

Hahahaha, I don’t think you know what I’m arguing. I was responding to someone who said Bernie had “nearly zero black support.” This is bullshit, considering he has more black support than everyone except Biden, including double the support of Kamala.

I know when the article is from, lol. The point is the person said Bernie had nearly zero black support, when in fact his support among black voters is above all but Biden.

Nah, he was right.

lol, they’re reporting on a poll from Morning Consult. Not a lie, and not even something directly from The Intercept. Try reading.

I’ve never heard of this Piker guy (I don’t really do twitch or streaming stuff), but he is 100% correct. To think otherwise is to be profoundly ignorant of the history of American foreign policy.

I think you’ve stumbled on a good point by shifting the frame to guns. “America deserves mass shootings” is a different statement from “The people shopping at Walmart deserved to be murdered”. One is a rhetorically provocative condemnation of the ruling class and the policies they support, the other is a cruel and

I’m somewhat disappointed in Hasan (but still support him), bc he could easily avoided this drama by being less outrageous in his wording by rather saying that the responsibility for 9/11 was largely a function of US imperialism in the Middle East, which lead to the creation and objectives of Al Qaida.

Crenshaw is a fascist dirtbag and that IED should have exploded with him closer.

Crenshaw is a store brand Republican Trump apologist that proves how little his so called principles are worth every time he makes excuses for Trump.

He is right though...

Thanks for showing fairness in your story about Senator Sanders, especially for stating the fact the majority of young Black people (and other POC) support him.

He literally passed more amendments than any of his 400+ colleagues during his 12 years in the House, and has many big accomplishments such as securing healthcare for 9 million people and boosting the wages of hundreds of thousands of workers.