Gene Parmesan

Lol as if Sanders doesn’t have that grandpa bussy we all wanna hit.

Now playing

Pom Wonderful owns entire towns which have shit water, they milk Fiji dry for their water and pay the locals shit, and are also huge funders of anti-Iranian propaganda. They want America to do regime change there since Iran is one of the only other nations that grows pistachios. No fucking joke. The Resnicks are some

“It’s probably privileged to do so”

This is why we need a mass movement with an agenda for radical change in America. We continue to slide right and have for 40 years, with each Democratic president either contributing to the slide or, at best, simply circling the wagons.

“filtered through his objectivist leanings” yeah turns out adapting a left-wing text through (incoherent, from the interviews I’ve read) right-wing Randian bullshit does not a coherent or particularly interesting thought make.

Yeah he’s actually a bit better than FDR, sucks they’re comparing them

You, a complete dumbshit:

No joke, Christopher Lambert was on Epstein’s flight logs. I don’t know what to do with this information in 2019, but here we are.

It’s not “under-resourced” it’s intentionally cruel. And the “situation” in Latin America is overwhelmingly the US’s fault, resulting from sanctions, an embargo, coups, and a history of labor suppression and unfair trade deals. You don’t need to say stupid shit like “these refugees are still better off in these

No, he literally says “people in the bottom half have essentially no wealth.” He’s saying any wealth they might have is completely canceled out. He’s admitting they have no real power in wealth but saying that somehow makes Sanders wrong.

i give your comments 69 pinnochios

libby you just don’t get it. apples are nothingness, oranges are billions of dollars, vis a vis you cannot compare “having literally nothing and no power” to “having all of the things and all the power” in order to illustrate who has everything and who has the power, because i watched aaron sorkin ad lipsum hominid,

He’s actually a Kiwi but he does a decent accent!

“hello, i do a bad impression of you and am so absolutely dense that i thought a republican cop like you would do something politically undermining of republicans despite all evidence prior showing that you would not. please, please, please listen to me and do what i think is the right thing, oh god oh god oh fuck

Here’s all I know: if someone who has been invaded by the US, who’s seen nuns raped and kids decapitated by US-supported insurgents, who’s seen women’s breasts cut off with US funding, if that person wants to say “Yankees will die” then they have the fucking right. Go fuck yourself.

“As in, does he believe the government should seize all means of production and displace the entire public sector? (actual traditional socialist)“

she’s an old whitey, why do you think that’s somehow surprising?

I’ve read from a few people that they’re going to be paying guests, and I’m guessing they at least paid Adomian because he said he wouldn’t anymore and that they stopped calling him after he told them he wouldn’t. Notably Seth Simon, who wrote the excellent Paste article (

lol owned

Elected Dems love giving away the game before it’s even started. It’s all they do.