Gene Parmesan

It could be Elizabeth, Amy, Pete, or whoever, I almost don’t care.” lmao “almost” is doing quite a bit of heavy lifting there, I think. One notable exception from your list perhaps?

I love it when pedants don’t read the actual fucking article lol

“Black kids don’t want to go to your school any more than you want to go to their school.”

“And here if you look to the right you’ll see our underpaid employees who work 60 hours a week while we try to ratfuck them out of overtime pay and run this place like a sweatshop”

of course, and everyone in the kinja comments thinks that’s totally fine

we should!

Podrick Payne is Beto because he makes the ladies’ calves’ cramp... wow, we surely do live, in a society...

thank you for explaining the joke!

Conservative voters do not give a shit about this stuff, and it’s the mentality that they do that keeps Dems perplexed. Nobody gives a fuck about the dang deficit. They only use it as a bulwark against Democrats and then abandon it when Republicans take office. Democrats need to shut the fuck up about this and focus

let’s just make sure we’re not throwing the high life under the bus here, those beers are both pretty darn good

“top performers” lmao you really believe you live in a meritocracy

It’s not necessarily his fault either, because the entire movie is shot like that. Every conversation between the band members (and the movie is like 80% those) is shot in one-shots, so no shot can be held for more than a couple seconds. I’m genuinely wondering what the longest shot in that film is. It’s just a

What’s really, really concerning about this to me is that it talks about Ilhan in the same thread as homophobes, real anti-Semites, xenophobes, and racists. And that kind of equating is absolutely disgusting, and AOC should feel horrible for doing this and fucking apologize.

I do think that the GMG/Kinja crow has inherited a lot of middle class lib Gen Xers who were raised on the Sorkin Centrism that values pithy platitudes and calls for “moderation,” and that’s what they value in their party more than a coherent moral framework, and seeing anyone who goes against that or criticizes it is

It’s not perfect by any means, but if my employer wants to fire me, they have to give me two months’ notice. They can have me stop working there, but 1) they still have to pay me for those two months and 2) my healthcare isn’t tied to my job. Again, not perfect but a fuckton better than anywhere I ever worked in the

People like to be part of something that supposedly represents being “the most correct.” I think that’s why people have been really disillusioned with the Dems and their lack of a coherent moral paradigm, but there is a small, extremely vocal minority that think just being a Democrat is good enough.

The same people who say to vote for Manchin every fucking time. It’s so obvious and craven. If Manchin, Sinema, and all of those right-wing bastards are Dems but Bernie isn’t, then fuck the Dems.

The “Bernie don’t run, it’s not what the people want, the people want Warren or Harris or Booker or whoever but your time has passed” crowd should take this well.

It’s February 2019. Let’s all calm the hell down for a minute.

From a thread on another site, here are some other folks who should be thanked: