Gene Parmesan

“if you exercise your right to free speech to say the things I’M saying with mine are bad, you’re violating my right to free speech”

Who the fuck was uncivil? If anything, they didn’t fight hard enough. They had zero positive message and were totally spineless. They attacked Donald Trump for being icky, not for ripping off his workers for decades. They were mediocre in Congressional races too. They hardly fought.

“But the breakdown of civility is what allowed Donald Trump to win the Republican nomination and the Presidency”

Lol I specifically mentioned I’d still vote for them but you idiots craft this perfect strawman in your head and then beat the shit out of it. It doesn’t exist. People who are politically engaged usually vote, and that’s my point. You’re trying to scream at politically engaged people but where the party needs to be

Cool, so how do we get people to stop being indifferent? Yell at them more? Tell me, brain genius, how do you purport to get people off the couch? Kowtowing to the right wing further? 40 years of sliding right isn’t good enough! This time they’ll definitely vote Dem!

The argument is that yelling at people doesn’t get the alienated to the polls. Good platforms do. No amount of screeching will work. I’m sorry, but that’s just how it is. It’s not right, necessarily, but there are a lot of factors that contribute to it. And if you want to keep losing, keep thinking that getting mad

nice “female” doing a lot of work there, you sexist shithead

Totally, and Obama yelling at them will accomplish just that! It will totally get them off the couch! Good job Obama!

We have reached across the aisle so much and gotten pulled so far right that a “Democratic” senator just voted for an anti-Roe v Wade judge to be appointed to SCOTUS. Obama yelling at people to care more is what’s worthless.

See, what gets people to care enough? Is it a $200 earned income credit or some shit? Or is it something like Medicare For All, which most Dems don’t rally around? Is it by having an ex-President yell at people, or by actually putting together a platform people will go for?

So the solution is not to get better policy positions, to run candidates that aren’t tainted by monied interests, or anything like that, it’s to yell at them to stop being indifferent? That definitely works. I love telling alienated people to stop feeling alienated, that always is good. With Medicare For All at an

Watched it like six months ago and you are absolutely correct.

Marxism, the basis of most modern socialism, is when workers own their factories, and thus hold the power formerly held by capital accumulation. Socialism in Europe isn’t terribly Marxist but there’s an argument (made by folks like Matt Bruenig) that it’s socialism. It kind of is: the state owns large portions of

We have to be better than the bullshit you’re peddling. There aren’t two sides, morally. The morally right thing to do is to relent and let people speak what they’d like. You’re talking about being a slave to a tradition you admit is arbitrary. Well, here’s the thing - I cannot change the hardline adherence to these tr

Nobody is MAKING those people be uncomfortable. I am absolutely never in favor of catering to people who are paranoid like that. They need to change, not the rest of us. Reactionary tendencies are a moral failing that people need to take responsibility for, and I won’t apologize for refusing to cater to the worst in

Anyone who thinks speaking a non-local language is rude is so incredibly small-minded and a complete CHUD who just needs so stop talking.

I understand very well how it works, I’ve been saying this shit would happen for years and the Democrats have done exactly what I thought they would. And they will continue to as the center fails and the far right takes over. You lot can either wake up to this shit and move left, or watch as the fascists win. I will

How did that work for you in 09-10? How did single payer healthcare go then? How about union card check? And meaningful finance regulation? How’s all that worked out for you? Democrats are useless for anything but punting the ball a little further. Anything they do fails to meaningfully reform, regulate, or

Oh and fuck the Senate too. Abolish the Senate, abolish SCOTUS, abolish the presidency. They are all bad.

Again, who cares about total control when he cannot even be relied upon to do what’s right when it counts? I don’t give a fuck if he votes Dem for Bill On Whether Horses Are Technically A Type Of Dog if he’s going to vote against Medicare For All and vote FOR Republican SCOTUS justices. His votes mean absolutely jack