Gene Parmesan

This was the only vote that mattered. If he can’t be trusted to vote against a Republican Supreme Court Justice then he is absolutely worthless. Same goes for Manchin. You vote for these shitheads because they will supposedly support you when it counts; well guess what? Supreme Court is one of the only votes that

Maybe the best part about this is that if Lovecraft somehow found out he would go thermonuclear. An edgy New Atheist racist in the category that would eventually give us the Sam Harrises and Richard Dawkinses of the world, Lovecraft is easily one of my most problematic faves.

“tongue in cheek” I’m not mad I’m actually laughing!

Do you like your boots well-seasoned or completely unsalted?

We get it Brian, Ed’s pissed at you now that he knows you think his kid can get it.

mmmm i belt that sic felt good

That’s Aussie for ‘documentary.’ For all of us here at the studio, this has been “Lessons In Australian” and we’ll see you next week.

Let’s ask people who are impoverished and need welfare, or the Iranians, or anyone from South America or Central America before we talk about Jimmy Carter being a saint. I appreciate what he’s done post-presidency, but his presidency was filled with as many war crimes as any other modern president. The dude did a lot

lol at people implying that jesse doesn’t love a star wars prequel in earnest haven’t interacted with @rockmarooned on twitter or in any old school av club comment threads. the discussions have been some of the most frustrating and engaging one could have about the prequels.

Funny enough, Malcolm Gladwell (who I have very mixed feelings about) did a great episode on how the granny shot is actually incredible for free throws. Rick Barry is the 7th best free throw shooter of all time after using it, and Wilt Chamberlain’s free throw percentage skyrocketed in the brief time he used it before

Look at him there. He’s just a little boy who wants to be a big boy.

“too many characters” being “recognized as good” is pretty dumb and the fact that a bunch of people favorited that is pretty dumb, too. characters and scope are tools a writer or filmmaker uses, and in the best examples of the kind of breadth shown here - Seven Samurai, Boogie Nights, the films of Robert Altman, heck

Sorcerer, which truly deserves to be ranked with his others. I’m one of the few holdouts that prefers the original adaptation of the story, The Wages of Fear, but the fact that Friedkin’s overshadowed-by-Star Wars version can be talked about in the same sentence as that film, one of the all-time greats, speaks volumes

Those two things are incredibly unrelated. RPO is a plethora of nerd culture references without much to say about them. Similarly, Cline’s Fanboys, which I like just fine, doesn’t have much to say about nerd culture except “isn’t it neat how people who all like Star Wars can get along and rally around a mutual like?”


There’s almost nobody more harmful to liberalism and leftism (outside of political gremlins like Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Dianne Feinstein) than Bill Maher. His defense of Milo, skepticism toward germ theory and vaccinations, and very obvious hatred of Muslims is chilling when considering how popular he is.

Oh, rest assured that many Boomer Christians, in the pre-internet era at least, didn’t realize U2 was “Christian” or understand their influence on Christian music or anything like that. For example, in 2005 my dad was surprised that our cool youth pastor listened to U2 because he “thought Bono was gay.”

“I worked for a Democrat, I can’t be a racist!” Please tell us about your black friend, too.

The Federalist is a classic right-wing rag. It’s like National Review or Washington Examiner. There’s always a patterned hatred of black films and black artists.

Solaris? Really? I like Soderbergh fine, but nobody can touch Tarkovsky. He’s not even in the same league, and I imagine he’d admit as much.

I’m so glad you hated this. After listening to Barnum pop up in the worst ways in many episodes of The Dollop, the sanguine whitewashing of his history made this entire premise horrible to me.