Gene Parmesan

I’m American but I lived in Australia for a few years. I’ve always been sarcastic but I came back and really, really had to tone it down because I realized how many people get offended. It’s rough.

This is one of the greatest acts of class warfare in our history. The Democrats are powerless to stop them and they suck at campaigning without help. Join the DSA today if you want to help the Democrats get their shit together and move further left.

It’s called juxtaposition, my dude.

Case in point, ladies and gentlemen: this person, who throughout the thread has lamented the loss of art because of Lasseter’s departure (rather than giving a shit about the victims), is now trying to turn that back on me.

Just so everyone knows, this guy trolls like this in a lot of threads. It’s best to just steer clear and not feed him. Because if he’s a moron, he’s a truly tenacious and unchangeable one, and if he’s a troll he’s getting off on it.

I totally agree. The criticisms are valid but they’re garnished on the internet with a bunch of unfair bullshit because she’s a) a woman who b) doesn’t look like Aphrodite. It’s horrible, she’s horrible, it’s just depressing, all of it.

Google “Lena Dunham apologizes” and then see how many times we’ve been through this before. Those comments were mean and the vitriol toward her is definitely unfairly intense because she’s a woman, but good Lord has she’s said and done a lot of stupid fucking things for someone who constantly gets on others’ cases for

His point should really be “Gollum helped refute the hate for CGI characters that Jar Jar established.”

“Obviously it’s nowhere near being Star Trek level good”

It’s a shittier version of something we all know and love, it’s invited the comparison and it’s paying for it. This is maybe as good as some of the clumsier seasons of TNG, and as such it’s getting the grades and the commentary it deserves.

Lindsay: Well, did it work for those people?

I’ll give it a shot for a couple of weeks and then intentionally slam my face into a broken chair leg a few times and forget my password so I can’t come back.