
The sensible way to prepare for things you know are coming (e.g., a big snowstorm up north or a hurricane down south...) is by buying an additional can or two of your necessities whenever you’re at the store anyway and have a little extra jingle in your jeans. The people who didn’t do this are the ones who have to

Hm. No time has passed for that photon, but space has been traversed, so space-time has passed. We aren’t used to measuring things with space time as the basic units, but something has been traversed and so it also doesn’t make sense to refer to events as simultaneous in our reference frame, or else we have to give up

no one owes you anything ever.” I disagree. If you decide to engage with someone you need to treat them with respect and remember they are not just a digital profile. There is a real human being on the other side of that profile. Ghosting is just plain rude, selfish and highly insensitive. It doesn’t take much to

You’ve addressed some good ones. Some observations from my days in dating apps. 1) For the most part, you should be an adult and explicitly tell someone you’re not interested in pursuing a relationship further instead of skipping straight to ghosting. You’re usually behind a screen anyways and don’t have to do it in

“hating small talk” is fine IF THAT’S WHAT IT REALLY MEANT— But it is not, “hating small talk” is usually code for “I resent (and might just outright refuse to engage in) those little social rituals that are the lubricant of interpersonal relationships.”

It’s a huge red flag, because it’s just so often said by people

I’m saying there is no current plan to disconnect the grids given a certain condition.

As a ham radio operator, we are not necessarily “preppers”, but we are “prepped.” 

...a sun-like star 100 light years away called EK Draconis literally just launched one of these things...

One more thing before I go: in many areas - especially the northeast - the vending machine trade has been historically controlled by mobsters who love the easy to conceal cash flow. You might not have Tony Soprano show up to smack you around but competing with the kind of folks who enhance their profits by dodging

I had a brief run stocking vending machines for a small company and my observations lead me to believe it’s not as easy as it sounds here. In most markets with the medium-to-large population density needed to sustain a route, there is going to be some firmly entrenched competition. Securing a location is especially

From where I sit, declining still works.  You don’t own any explanation for declining or refusing to invite people to a wedding.  Life is too short to dance to the tune of other people’s expectations.

Also a lot of the usual excuses are still just fine here... I have to work, I have other obligations, I have a conflicting event... I don’t see how this obligates anyone anymore so than they are already obligated. For my wedding this past September, there were family members who couldn’t attend due to travel bans as

I don’t give the first fuck what my sperm count is. I’d be concerned that something that kills sperm just might, bear with me, have additional effects on my reproductive system - including the ability to perform at all. If that’s literally all the pill does then fine, prove it through testing and then plenty of guys

Once again showing why the road to eliminating toxic masculinity is going to be a long and arduous one with no help from people like yourself.

I’d star this comment if I didn’t know a handful of female friends in steady relationships who decided that an ‘ooops’ pregnancy was a way of moving engagement talks up a gear. Their partners trusted them to continue taking the pill - in my view this is as bad as guys stealthing with condoms. 

If it has fewer and less severe side effects than female contraception pills, all the better.

Yup, I read that article on Slate before it was summarized here.

And, like, as a wildly overeducated and reasonably intelligent woman who had years of what I consider to be standard (not abstinence-only) sex ed; who has regularly gone to an OBGYN since she was 15; and who is interested in issues pertaining to women’s reproductive health... I was SHOCKED by how much I didn’t know

As an 11-year survivor of marriage (still going strong), who is very confident in his manlyness, and has reaped the benefit of women on contraception for decades, I am 100% down to pop a pill to keep my kid count low.

Maybe one way to change negative attitudes and get things moving forward is to address the biases and insecurities some men might have about it due to toxic masculinity? That’s why the interviewer asked the question....