
This all sounds like a fancy way of saying “you’ll need roommates to afford rent.”

Someone has to be in charge, and either you take on the responsibility of being that person, or you have to accept someone else’s leadership. Also, there will always be someone who can’t (or won’t) pull their own weight. Familiarity breeds contempt, too, often rapidly. As Charles Bukowski once said, “I don’t hate peop

Sure but I feel like the reasons people would have this are more to do with not having cards. Wanting to play people that are not there, not wanting to store lots of actual games, not wanting to wear out pieces. 

These 1ups get discounted pretty heavily. I have seen them marked down 50%. Table should be no different.

What this needs is software to connect to your phone or other tablet for your hand cards.

One distinguishing feature I like here is that when it’s dinner time, you can easily move the board, eat, then come back and finish your game if it happens to be a long one.

Maybe not, but if the price is right, then you’re getting 100 games which stores in the space of 2 game boxes, and you never have to worry about missing pieces or the math of keeping score. Maybe $500 is still too much for most people, but there will eventually be a price that works.

I’ve put a number of hours into the game, and I figure I might as well share my findings. There have definitely been distracting issues, such as pop-in and problems with shadows; that cannot be denied. But I haven’t run into anything major like they’re talking about here. Certainly nothing game-ruining. So far,  I

Good news gang, the spokesperson for everyone has arrived! And as usual, he’s wrong!

I feel bad for you, son

I don’t think you know anything about economics if you think NFTs are the future of anything. Anything that nosedives like NFTs have can only be considered a massive failure.

looooooooooooooooooooollllll web3 nfts... looooooooooooooooooolllll

Well it would be nice if I could READ the article! I have an ad at the top that won't scroll away, an ad on the bottom right that spawns a pop-up when I click on the X, and a pop-up keeps appearing on the little space I have as I type this. 

Here is a trick: if the title mentions a number, it is likely to be a slideshow, it it doesn’t, it should be safe. For example “Never do these things in a hardware store” should be safe (and indeed, it is), “6 things you should never do in a hardware store” will most likely give you a slideshow.

Shocked by the level of uncivility and abuse on a platform built by a company infamous for its secular platforms known for breeding disinformation, fearmongering, and inhumanity towards one’s fellow man? Insert Fry meme here.

There is something satisfying of seeing a man who made his billions off of copying the idea of someone before them (Tom of MySpace anyone?), finally having a passion project truly of their own (though still not original at all, VRChat anyone? Ready Player One anyone?), just failing to catch on miserably, and costing

Very few crimes only require negligence as the mens rea (culpable mental state). On the other hand, crimes requiring recklessness are not uncommon. For example, reckless manslaughter typically requires proof that the defendant consciously disregarded a substantial risk that death or serious bodily injury would result

Criminal liability generally requires intent. While negligent, there is rarely *intent* to kill or injure someone on a carnival ride. Negligence generally results in civil penalties.

Carefully flip with wide silicone spatula

One of my favorite things as a kid-mix the cinnamon sugar into the margarine (we kept kosher, butter was also more expensive), spread it on sliced white bread, put it under the broiler until the paste caramelized. The top was crunchy, the bottom warm and soft. Serve with chocolate milk. Good memory.