
They see me toobin... They hatin...

They see me toobin... They hatin...

Nobody can prove that anything I’ve allegedly said here or anywhere else is anything other than a decades-long performance art piece and, thus, it cannot be used against me in a court of law.

Gr8 b8 m8

Gr8 b8 m8

I smell a weekly feature

Are you a wizard?

Do you really want a slideshow with 419,000 slides?

You can tell when someone is being electrocuted because you can see their skeleton and their hair stands on end. Haven’t you ever seen a cartoon before?

Seconded. A few Baofeng UV-5Rs (usually <$40 on Amazon) with the same programmed channels can reach farther and do more than almost any off-the-shelf walkie talkie in the GMRS and FRS bands. I actually programmed mine to have all the GMRS and FRS channels as well as local repeaters and other useful frequencies.

For real. Can’t wait for the same people complaining about this game that hasn’t even been released to turn around and hold it up as the gold standard of “Look how much better these games used to be!” a few short years down the road.

I don’t care what it costs. This needs to happen.

Dude you are in for a WORLD of fun. I got a New 2DS XL the day it launched and I had tons of fun with it. Then... Ooooooh THEN I hacked the thing. It is now home to like 80GB of games from NES to SNES to DS to 3DS all living on my SD card. Once you get the thing hacked do yourself a favor and Google HShop on your phone

You clicked on it. I clicked on it. They got our clicks, so what do they care about the actual quality of the article? Especially in these early days after a game's release, they just need clicks. Let the actual content filter in as "articles" that are just links to other websites.

Ok serious question. I know this is going to be misinterpreted, but please believe me when I say this is a straight down the line, serious question with no judgment, only curiosity:

Why does anyone need an excuse not to attend? The RSVP is there to give you the chance to say “Sorry, I won’t be able to attend. Best wishes!” No more needs to be said. “Oh, why not?” “I’m afraid I just won’t be able to make it.” Anyone who keeps asking after that is probably someone you’re better off distancing

Some things to think about adding to your prep:

and you can listen to all the ham you want!

I’d recommend a propane generator or, at least, a dual fuel one. Gasoline is likely to be more readily available if you’re willing to siphon it out of your gas tank, but it spoils and is dangerous to store in most conditions. Propane stays stable and usable longer than the can it’s in, which is a long time.

I’ve never felt like anyone in a hardware store was upselling me. Generally speaking, the floor workers don’t care if/how much you buy. They’re not on commission, and anyone whose job performance depends on sales isn’t working the floor (e.g. managers).

I don’t think I’m going to read any articles whose content is explicitly available in slideshow format. I can’t explain why, but I just hate them. Just me?

I think workers should be paid fairly. I don’t think this “$25 or walk” mentality will get us there. Corporations need to be held accountable for the taxes they owe, and, equally important, there need to be links between the highest and lowest salaries in a company. For example, is it right that the highest paid