
100% this

I’ll say it. Slime would’ve been a better choice to rep DQ in Smash. Think about it. Who’s more recognizable? The average gamer probably wouldn’t know Erdrick or Luminary, but they might know about Slime.

Just to be clear I’m not dismissing out of a difference of opinion, it’s because I don’t want to engage with negativity. It’s a waste of time imo, especially since most of the replies I dismissed were basically “actually you’re wrong and I’m gonna insult you a little bit too.”

And maybe if a friend of mine wanted to have that discussion that’d be fine. But some random person on Kotaku dot com isn’t really someone I want to engage with on that level right now. Like in your movie theater analogy, I’m choosing who I walk up to after the movie and who I walk away from.

That’s EXACTLY what I was driving at. Compulsory purchase, imposed by Big Mario.

I think both Square and Nintendo had the best presentations this E3.

Because I’m not looking for a discussion, I’m just here to say how excited I am? I don’t owe people their negative takes. Make your own comment if you wanna be a downer, don’t piggyback of my excitement.

Meh, some good stuff but very much for the target Nintendo audience.

You, sir, are a man of culture.  I too was waiting for this game to be announced.  It would’ve been glorious given what they did with Samus Returns :D

I’m not talking about Prime 4.

They just really know how to structure the announcements. They knew that the Animal Crossing delay was kind of a bummer and saved two awesome surprises for after that to make up for it.

Nintendo really killed it. The other conferences got a “oh, that looks interesting” from me but the Nintendo hype is real!

If you’re eager to be insulted and claim victimhood, then yes, I suppose a Snapchat filter is insulting. 

Explain the trivialization. No one is pretending to be trans, or that they had a struggle to get there. Its just people go “Hey look, I look like a woman!” The filter isn’t a trans filter. So does the trans community view all gender “swapping” in entertainment, Halloween, etc as trivialization? Is it insulting for a

The lightened skin is there to lighten shadows so the filter can reconture the face. They try to remove shadows around the eyes to reduce the appearance of a brow ridge and then darken the shadows to try to make the brow ridge more apparent on the male filter. Snapchat isn’t trying to say that the lighter you are the

How do people find the time or energy to be offended by stuff like this? Is your life so grand and free of problems that things like a snapchat filter set you off? I can’t imagine being so well off that I would get offended or find harm in something so silly...

Yep context is missing. Why are they insulted? Yes they get hate, but this isn’t that hate. Do we also need to stop watching Mrs.Doubtfire or the Madea movies? So please add some context.

My problem here, is that nothing is being talked about in depth enough. Why are people offended and why should I care? Yes there are follow up questions. This isn’t sexist, this isn’t black face, this isn’t really anything. So if you want it to be something, come with more the an empty tweet and some hype behind your